So I had really good intentions to write here tonight and it would be fantastic and fabulous and glorious.....but I didn't. And I have no excuse at all except that instead I went shopping and got on facebook and one of our FHE brothers came over and talked for like an hour. So basically life happened and things got procrastinated. Ahem.
But! Some responsibility did happen! Fear not! I sent in my housing contract so that I'll have a place to live next semester....that's always good, and I wrote a letter to my friend Josh who is currently serving a mission in the Dallas Texas area. Yay! And I did a little bit of homework. Probably less that I should have done though.
So it's really kind of late and I need to be up early tomorrow. But things are going just swimmingly up here in Idaho. My classes are going great, (or they are as of now....I have an ear training diction test tomorrow I hope I don't fail.....eek!) and my ensembles are going great. I still love the trombone, and in the band I'm playing flute in we're playing Orpheus and the underworld which is an amazing piece. It's part of a concert we're putting on in tribute to John Phillip Sousa. I am so excited! So, that's all for now. Friday or Saturday, or whenever I have time I'm going to take some pictures and also I'm going to do some other fun thing that I have yet to think of. But it'll be great!!!!! I'll bet you can't wait huh? :P :D :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Its like two in the morning and I can't sleep. Too much drama. So I'm here. Writing. Go figure.
So today was really busy. I was in the snow building by like eleven and I had a trombone sectional at twelve. Now as you may recall, I am a flute player. I have however taken a brass methods class so I've learned the basics of trombone. So being the silly girl that I am I decided to try playing trombone in the university band. It's kicking my butt. At least our director Bro. Nielson is really understanding. He told me today I was doing a really good job for as much experience I have on the trombone and that's heartening. He's a really really good conductor, probably one of the best I've had I'm learning tons.
K I'm going to go on a music nerd rant here for a min. So if you're not a music nerd just skip this next paragraph. We're playing a symphony by Dvorak in this band and I'm having sooo much fun! There are lots of really fun trombone parts in it. It is so weird to hear the flutes and not be a part of them. But at the same time, I really love being able to blast out really LOW notes. It is a completely new and foreign experience to me so even though its really kickin my butt I'm also really enjoying it. Ok music rant over. For now. I am a music major after all.......:) :D
And the rest of my day was pretty much filled up with homework and practicing and whatnot. Nyssa made pizza tonight for dinner and it was excellent. She's a really good cook.
Oh, and this evening Morgan and the girls downstairs and I all went to see Twilight at the cheap theater. For the third time. Sigh. The first time I saw it was with my roomie Amanda and she's totally in love with it so I had to think it was pretty good; and the second time I saw it I slept through it 'cause I'd only had like three hours of sleep the previous night. But this time I watched it and I couldn't help but think.....this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever watched. Don't get me wrong I really like the books but the movie was RIDICULOUS. The acting was terrible and the dialogue was worse. It made me laugh. I'll probably still go see the second one though. 'Cause even though Edward isn't that hot in the movie.....Dr. Cullen sure is!! and Jasper would be exept he looks like he's in pain all the time. :P
K folks that's pretty much all I have to say tonight. Or uhh this morning. So I'm going to sign off. But never fear! Tomorrow is Sunday filled with lots and lots of free time!! So most likely you'll see me (or rather read about me) tomorrow! Farewell all!!!!
K I'm going to go on a music nerd rant here for a min. So if you're not a music nerd just skip this next paragraph. We're playing a symphony by Dvorak in this band and I'm having sooo much fun! There are lots of really fun trombone parts in it. It is so weird to hear the flutes and not be a part of them. But at the same time, I really love being able to blast out really LOW notes. It is a completely new and foreign experience to me so even though its really kickin my butt I'm also really enjoying it. Ok music rant over. For now. I am a music major after all.......:) :D
And the rest of my day was pretty much filled up with homework and practicing and whatnot. Nyssa made pizza tonight for dinner and it was excellent. She's a really good cook.
Oh, and this evening Morgan and the girls downstairs and I all went to see Twilight at the cheap theater. For the third time. Sigh. The first time I saw it was with my roomie Amanda and she's totally in love with it so I had to think it was pretty good; and the second time I saw it I slept through it 'cause I'd only had like three hours of sleep the previous night. But this time I watched it and I couldn't help but think.....this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever watched. Don't get me wrong I really like the books but the movie was RIDICULOUS. The acting was terrible and the dialogue was worse. It made me laugh. I'll probably still go see the second one though. 'Cause even though Edward isn't that hot in the movie.....Dr. Cullen sure is!! and Jasper would be exept he looks like he's in pain all the time. :P
K folks that's pretty much all I have to say tonight. Or uhh this morning. So I'm going to sign off. But never fear! Tomorrow is Sunday filled with lots and lots of free time!! So most likely you'll see me (or rather read about me) tomorrow! Farewell all!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Why am I a music major again? Oh, right. 'Cause I love it.
So, today was pretty much craziness. But that's what I said about my life before. New adjective. Hmm....ok.
So today was pretty much absurd, balmy, beyond all reason, bizarre, cockeyed, derisory, eccentric, fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, goofy*, half-baked*, harebrained*, idiotic, ill-conceived, impracticable, imprudent, inane, inappropriate, insane, irresponsible, loony, ludicrous, nonsensical, odd, out of all reason, outrageous, peculiar, preposterous, puerile, quixotic, ridiculous, senseless, short-sighted, silly, strange, unworkable, weird, and wild thank you!
That's definitely how it was in way too many words. :) And actually many of those words don't really fit. Oh well.
So I had class at 7:45 as usual. Woodwind methods (music major remember?) and it was good but I wish my teacher would quit telling us HOW to play the instrument (as of right now it's the oboe but it'll change into the clarinet, saxophone and bassoon in good time. ) and actually let us PLAY the silly things. That is the only way to get experience in my opinion.
After that I have social dance which is fun but all the guys are soooooooooooo awkward. Like, after you say your major and where you're from, they just don't talk to you. Well they don't talk to me anyway. Maybe I'm not cute enough.
Then there's the evilness that is ear training four. Is it enough that they make you sing stupid melodies by yourself in front of the class? No, now they're going to be A-tonal! Thank-you! (Not that I'm complaining's just a little flusterating at times. Ok, maybe I'm complaining a little.....but only a little.)
After ear training I get to have fun and go to symphony band which is the audition band I got into. I really love that class except that I play 3rd flute mostly which means I mostly just get to listen to the other flutes make beautiful music and then play about half the time. Oh well. You gotta start somewhere and since there are only a limited amount of flute positions and about a billion flute players......I'm just glad I got in. :) :) :) :) Man, I really don't mean to complain as much as I'm doing.
K, then it's devo which is awesome, then master class then home for an hour to scarf down some food and try to do some homework then I have flute choir at 5:45-8. Then I get to go home and do the rest of my homework. Yay!
But such is the life of a college student. If it wasn't worth it, I'd be doing something else. Probably working at stinking KFC so I'm glad I'm at school. I love it.
So today was pretty much absurd, balmy, beyond all reason, bizarre, cockeyed, derisory, eccentric, fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, goofy*, half-baked*, harebrained*, idiotic, ill-conceived, impracticable, imprudent, inane, inappropriate, insane, irresponsible, loony, ludicrous, nonsensical, odd, out of all reason, outrageous, peculiar, preposterous, puerile, quixotic, ridiculous, senseless, short-sighted, silly, strange, unworkable, weird, and wild thank you!
That's definitely how it was in way too many words. :) And actually many of those words don't really fit. Oh well.
So I had class at 7:45 as usual. Woodwind methods (music major remember?) and it was good but I wish my teacher would quit telling us HOW to play the instrument (as of right now it's the oboe but it'll change into the clarinet, saxophone and bassoon in good time. ) and actually let us PLAY the silly things. That is the only way to get experience in my opinion.
After that I have social dance which is fun but all the guys are soooooooooooo awkward. Like, after you say your major and where you're from, they just don't talk to you. Well they don't talk to me anyway. Maybe I'm not cute enough.
Then there's the evilness that is ear training four. Is it enough that they make you sing stupid melodies by yourself in front of the class? No, now they're going to be A-tonal! Thank-you! (Not that I'm complaining's just a little flusterating at times. Ok, maybe I'm complaining a little.....but only a little.)
After ear training I get to have fun and go to symphony band which is the audition band I got into. I really love that class except that I play 3rd flute mostly which means I mostly just get to listen to the other flutes make beautiful music and then play about half the time. Oh well. You gotta start somewhere and since there are only a limited amount of flute positions and about a billion flute players......I'm just glad I got in. :) :) :) :) Man, I really don't mean to complain as much as I'm doing.
K, then it's devo which is awesome, then master class then home for an hour to scarf down some food and try to do some homework then I have flute choir at 5:45-8. Then I get to go home and do the rest of my homework. Yay!
But such is the life of a college student. If it wasn't worth it, I'd be doing something else. Probably working at stinking KFC so I'm glad I'm at school. I love it.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
More randomness probably. But hey that's what the title of this thing is right??
So today is Sunday. Yay for the sabbath!! Ooh. That sounded kinda sacrilegious. Oh well. It wasn't meant that way. I really like Sundays, I really do. I love going to church and the spirit that's there.....(I'm a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints....MORMONS...ya that's right. Also I don't know why I explained that 'cause anyone reading this would already know that. Heh. Just bear with me ok??) But it's the after church that gets me. Since I'm up at college there isn't much for me to do except get on my computer, or read or something lazy like that. I never get anything done. Ever. Well, I read my scriptures a bit but that's all. And I guess I'm an active type of girl. So I can't really sleep unless I have done something that gets out my energy. (Hence my working out at nine thirty at night. Which I didn't actually do 'cause I couldn't find my stupid I-card. Dangit. I'll have to keep looking for that.....) So Sunday nights are kind of hard on me up here.
But this is what we did: after church me and my roomies Nyssa and Emily made taco salad...mmm I love taco salad. Its one of those kinds of meals that looks kind of gross when you put it all together, but it actually tastes really really good. Well know I like it. After that, we went over to meet our new FHE brothers. They seem pretty nice, although I'm sure I'll never remember their names. I am TERRIBLE with names. Like, I'm worse than most who say they're bad at names. I don't even remember names of kids who I've been in a billion classes with. And it's embarassing. Blurg. And I'm going to be a teacher, so I'll have to work on that. Sigh.
So that's pretty much how my Sunday's been. I pretty much came home from the boys house and started messing around on here. Hmm.... I know! I'll
put some more pictures up here! 'Cause I can! Let's see....what should I put.....Ooh!!! Ok. This is a picture of me, when I went fishing with my pops over Thanksgiving weekend. I'm not a big fan of fishing, (I mean I like it, but not a really really lot) but I like spending time with my dad, and he really really likes fishing. So I went. And we had a great time. And I totally caught more fish than him. Like, I think I caught three and he caught none. Ha ha. Also I was wearing these waders (so we could walk out into the lake) that went all the way up to my armpits, and some boots that used to belong to my grandpa. It was excellent. I think my dad has a picture of me all decked out somewhere, but that pic is a little too embarassing to be putting up her
e. Heh heh heh. Ok what else. I'm kind of having fun with this.....ok ok ok. I just found another one. This is a picture of the sock puppet show that me, and my little sister Jodie, and my two cousins Rachel and Cristina put on. Rena videotaped it 'cause she hates being in pictures, but I think she though what we were doing was really funny. And it was I guess. The puppet on the far left (which has curlers in it's hair btw) is supposed to be my sis Amber (played by Cristina 'cause Amber was lame and didn't want to do the puppet show), the next one is me I think...the blue one in the middle is Richard the pizza guy. (Who I believe is dating Amber in this story) The pink one is Jodie and the hand on the right is Rachel who is the narrator and also Hector. I know, really really random. The script came from these notes my sister and my cousins and I write every now and then. They're completely random and very funny, but you have to have read them all or else you're just like "what the heck? these girls were probably on crack when they wrote this." Which we probably were. Ha ha jk. Maybe just high on laughter or something stupid like that. Ok. So this has probably gone on for long enough......I don't have school tomorrow though so I just might make another one of these. It is supposed to be like a journal for me after all. So maybe I'll talk all about my life up here at college. Oh man, it's sure to be riviting. Ok I'm done. Bye.
But this is what we did: after church me and my roomies Nyssa and Emily made taco salad...mmm I love taco salad. Its one of those kinds of meals that looks kind of gross when you put it all together, but it actually tastes really really good. Well know I like it. After that, we went over to meet our new FHE brothers. They seem pretty nice, although I'm sure I'll never remember their names. I am TERRIBLE with names. Like, I'm worse than most who say they're bad at names. I don't even remember names of kids who I've been in a billion classes with. And it's embarassing. Blurg. And I'm going to be a teacher, so I'll have to work on that. Sigh.
So that's pretty much how my Sunday's been. I pretty much came home from the boys house and started messing around on here. Hmm.... I know! I'll
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What is this madness?
Ok. Ok ok ok ok. Here goes nothing.
Ok. Sooooooo.
This blog is being created to keep me sane. Pretty much. I've always always intended to keep a journal and I have wanted to for a really really long time but I haven't. Because I'm a lazy lazy girl with really good intentions. But, as my dad always says. Good intentions aren't worth a can of beans. (Actually maybe he doesn't but someone somewhere told me that. And it makes a lot of sense really. :) )
So here I am. I hope. I really really hope it goes somewhere.
Ok, first, an intro I guess.
I am a nineteen year old girl (who will be 20 in two months yay!!!) I'm attending college with the intention of becoming a music education major (one of the nerdiest degrees you can get but hey). My emphasis is band and my instrument is the flute. I love the flute but I'm also learning all the other instruments on account of me attempting to become a band teacher. Ya gotta know them all if you want to teach them all. My life is pretty much craziness. But I love it. I really do. I just think things over way too much. So here's a picture of me 'cause hey, this thing lets me put pictures on here, so I might as well put one on.

So that's me. The picture was taken when me and my best friend Cali were at the mall. We decided to try on prom dresses and other stuff even though we had no intentions of buying anything. I'm pretty sure they get mad at you for doing that, but we did it anyway and pretended like we were thinking about buying something even though we weren't. So maybe I'll put a picture of Cali underneath here. She's a pretty big part of my life.
So that's her. That dress was her favorite 'cause she really liked the color even though we picked one that was WAY to big for her. Unfortunately I am off attending college, and she's at home attending a local college. So that stinks. But I'm up here with a bunch of roomies I like a lot so that's good.
Mmmm...maybe I'll put a picture of my family next. Fair enough. Ok so I can't find a good picture of all my family so I'm just going to upload a bunch of different pictures of us all wearing the same sunglasses. 'Cause I like them.'cept my brother who wouldn't pose for pictures so I just had to find another picture. K done.

As you can see, I have two sisters (Amber 18 and Jodie 15) and one brother (Kyle whis is 22? Holy crap? Really? huh. I didn't think he was that old.). And two parents. You never know these days how many parents people will have, what with divorce and parents dying and things so I feel really lucky I have two. This year we also have a foreign exchange student with us. Her name is Rena (although it's pronounced Lena) She's awesome although I don't see her much 'cause I'm up at college so much trying to get an education.
What else is there?? I don't know. I'll probably think of more later and put it up here. You know, I don't care at all if no one ever reads this. It's just to keep me sane. And to record my life I guess.
So right now, as soon as the freaking pictures load, I am going to go to the gym. Even though it's like nine thirty. 'Cause I'm just cool like that. Toodles!
p.s. obviously I'm not that good at figuring this silly thing out, but I'll get better as I go along....I hope. :)
Ok. Sooooooo.
This blog is being created to keep me sane. Pretty much. I've always always intended to keep a journal and I have wanted to for a really really long time but I haven't. Because I'm a lazy lazy girl with really good intentions. But, as my dad always says. Good intentions aren't worth a can of beans. (Actually maybe he doesn't but someone somewhere told me that. And it makes a lot of sense really. :) )
So here I am. I hope. I really really hope it goes somewhere.
Ok, first, an intro I guess.
I am a nineteen year old girl (who will be 20 in two months yay!!!) I'm attending college with the intention of becoming a music education major (one of the nerdiest degrees you can get but hey). My emphasis is band and my instrument is the flute. I love the flute but I'm also learning all the other instruments on account of me attempting to become a band teacher. Ya gotta know them all if you want to teach them all. My life is pretty much craziness. But I love it. I really do. I just think things over way too much. So here's a picture of me 'cause hey, this thing lets me put pictures on here, so I might as well put one on.
So that's me. The picture was taken when me and my best friend Cali were at the mall. We decided to try on prom dresses and other stuff even though we had no intentions of buying anything. I'm pretty sure they get mad at you for doing that, but we did it anyway and pretended like we were thinking about buying something even though we weren't. So maybe I'll put a picture of Cali underneath here. She's a pretty big part of my life.
So that's her. That dress was her favorite 'cause she really liked the color even though we picked one that was WAY to big for her. Unfortunately I am off attending college, and she's at home attending a local college. So that stinks. But I'm up here with a bunch of roomies I like a lot so that's good.
Mmmm...maybe I'll put a picture of my family next. Fair enough. Ok so I can't find a good picture of all my family so I'm just going to upload a bunch of different pictures of us all wearing the same sunglasses. 'Cause I like them.'cept my brother who wouldn't pose for pictures so I just had to find another picture. K done.
As you can see, I have two sisters (Amber 18 and Jodie 15) and one brother (Kyle whis is 22? Holy crap? Really? huh. I didn't think he was that old.). And two parents. You never know these days how many parents people will have, what with divorce and parents dying and things so I feel really lucky I have two. This year we also have a foreign exchange student with us. Her name is Rena (although it's pronounced Lena) She's awesome although I don't see her much 'cause I'm up at college so much trying to get an education.
What else is there?? I don't know. I'll probably think of more later and put it up here. You know, I don't care at all if no one ever reads this. It's just to keep me sane. And to record my life I guess.
So right now, as soon as the freaking pictures load, I am going to go to the gym. Even though it's like nine thirty. 'Cause I'm just cool like that. Toodles!
p.s. obviously I'm not that good at figuring this silly thing out, but I'll get better as I go along....I hope. :)
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