I don't know why. It just feels like when I write things down perhaps I won't lose it so fast.
Anyway, I left for home Friday at two. The girls I rode with were really nice, but they all seemed to know each other somehow whereas I just found them on the ride board.
That evening there was a bbq at Jake's house for all those who were going to participate in the wedding. I was kinda hoping they would do toasts or something but they didn't. As I've said before it was pretty nontraditional. Cali was looking really stressed so Mckell and I decided, after dinner we would take her hostage. So we did. We all got in our pjs, got frozen yogurt and then just did whatever we felt like 'til super late then had one last sleepover just for old times sake. Really really fun. One of the best parts though, was when we got to my house I found a note on the door (from my sisters) that said "follow the frosted flake trail to find a prize." So we did. They had actually laid a trail of frosted flakes through the kitchen and into the laundry room. In there was an empty box of frosted flakes that said "this box may LOOK empty, but it's full of love!" hee hee. Plus we found all kinds of other sticky notes all over the house. My sisters are awesome.
When I woke up Saturday morning, it was to find out that the sniffles I had been trying to suppress all evening had evolved into a full fledged head cold. Oh joy. So I was basically drugged up the entire of the wedding so that I wouldn't sneeze when the preacher asked for anyone to "say now or forever hold your
Ok what else? Umm, it was held in the park and we were SUPER SUPER lucky it didn't rain. Jeni Allen caught the boquet and her fiance got the garter. Big surprise there.
Mostly I'm glad it's finally over. So much drama over with. But I'm gonna miss that girl.
Also conference was EXCELLENT. The part that I heard anyway, although I'm sure the rest of it was as well. I didn't see Saturday obviously, and Sunday I kept falling asleep on account of the cold medicine was on.
Oh, I am SOO excited to hear that Brigham City gets a temple! So excited! If it's finished before I'm married, I definitely want to get married there. Who knows, maybe Cali and Jake will be sealed there....although I think they want to to that earlier than like two years from now.
Got back to Idaho about ten. Still sick. Have school tomorrow. I might not go to my first class, we'll see how I feel.