Heeeeeeey there folks! It's an update!!!
Pretty much my life is about chicken and tacos and stupid stupid drama right now. But thats ok.
Lets see.......
Well I went to Heber with Cali last weekend to go shopping and also a family reunion. The shopping was really fun, the reunion was really boring especially since it wasn't even my family. To alleviate the boringness Cali and I took like a billion pictures which are, of course up on facebook. So go look at them if you want. Also, maybe I'll stick one up here. Might as well.We're nerds I know, but life is so much more fun that way. I know I'll stick up the one of us with the gigantic Stormtrooper made of Legos. He was quite the guy.
K what else? Well there's the whole wedding drama thing, which I guess is just panning out the way most do with lots and lots of drama. But I don't know if I've said but I get to throw the shower which I am sooooo excited about. I'm going to do it in my (well not MY but my parents? K whatev you get the point) backyard cuz it's real big. Not sure what we're going to do yet, games, or whatnot but it's going to be awesome! Planned for the last Sat in August.
I did go see Harry Potter though not on opening night or anything. Like everyone I've talked to LOVED it, but I actually didn't like it that much. I really liked the 5th one so maybe my expectations were too high. The thing was that it didn't really ever have any action. Or maybe it didn't seem like it because I've read the books and I know whats going to happen. Someone ahead of me got mad cuz I was getting bored and when they were in the cave I practically shouted "Don't touch the water!" Also the Inferi looked like Gollum. I kept expecting them to go my precious! Hee hee. Also I was mad they skipped the whole battle at the end. And instead of acting everyone just stood around awkwardly. Ok fine I'll stop criticizing. I told Jodie I'd go again with her so I'm giving it a second chance.
What else? Oh. I officially made my nerd status go up 7 points by purchasing Star Trek 1-4 from Kimber for 20 dollars. I didn't really like 2 but for 20 bucks it was worth it. Ahhhhhhhhhh. If that stupid movie had never come out I would not be wasting so much of my time on this. Oh well. I usually get really obsessed for awhile and then I'm done. Shouldn't be much longer 'til I'm done.
K well that's all I can think of. Hmmm last night I went to a potluck in the park with my sisters and my mama, (who is doing really well despite the fact she's now a baldy. I totally thought she'd cave and buy a wig but she didn't! She's awesome!!!!) and then came home and just hung out with them. It was nice, I haven't done that it quite a while.
K well I guess I'm pretty much done. Have fun y'all and I'll see if I can't remember to do this a little more often.
"Being a nerd means you're allowed to get unironically enthusiastic about stuff.....when people call people nerds, mostly what they're saying is "you like stuff!" which is just not a good insult at all." -John Green-
Hahah. I'm sorry you didn't like HBP. I really liked it but I decided to watch it as a movie and not a reincarnation of the book and it made it better. I'm glad your mom is doing well. I hope your fam is still getting along fine :) Miss u!