Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sarah is guilty of feeding turtle food to sentient musical fish

I really am. It's a sad, sad story. Well actually a rather weird one which I will not share here on account of you thinking I'm weirder than I actually am. But the fish's name is Franklin if you wanted to know, and he's gonna help me pass ear training. :)
So, it's whats today? Monday. It's Monday. Sheesh can't even keep track of the days of the week. It's Monday. What did I do over the weekend?
Well, I went on the date with Brandon on Friday, it was fun! We went to Bajios and then tried to go bowling but it was too busy. Then we tried to go to a movie but nothing was showing. So we went to hollywood video and just rented one and watched it. We had to come to my appt though 'cuz no one was home at his. Silly honor code. Well actually I'm in favor of it, so I completely understood. It was fun though.
Then Saturday I went and saw this play that BYU-I put on called Burdens of Earth. It told the story of Joseph Smith while he was in Liberty Jail. It was really really good, very thought provoking. It makes you realize that Joseph really was human like the rest of us. He went through trials and tribulation just like we do. And look what he acomplished. It seems I can at least do my little lot in life.

SO I wrote that bit on Monday, and now it's Tuesday. And I wrote a rather long end to this blog and then the evil man in the internet ATE IT!!! I swear its true! He came up and said Sarah, if you don't let me eat it I will curse you so your socks never match again! And that would be an abomination so I HAD to do it!! Man....
Anyway, my Sunday and Monday were both real good.
was fast Sunday, but still real good. After church I had some of aforementioned hamburger the size of a plate for dinner. It was excellent. Then I went to a CES fireside and choir practice for steak conference in two weeks. I only mention this cause while I was there apparently I strained my voice attempting to sing really high notes I hadn't tried to in a long time. So now my throat is really sore and you should feel sorry for me.

The only thing really worth mentioning on Monday was for FHE we went to Craigos (pizza pasta place) on account of we got a $50 gift certificate there on account of our mad ice cream eating skillz at the ward party. And yes I know I used on account of twice in that sentence. I like it that way. It was really good. And then Emily, Nyssa and I went to DQ for ice cream to top it off. Good times. Emily and I went to the gym that evening to work of some of the pizza we ate though. It was also fun in a accomplishing sort of way.
K, today was boring. Nothing much worth mentioning I don't think. Tuesdays are my worst days of the week. Looooooong. So I'm done.
'til later folks!!

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