Hi. How are you? I'm good. I'm tired. I am tired of school. Tttttiiirrred. I'm getting burnt out. I just want it all to be over with. Siiiigh. I really do. But I'm also going to miss all my friends up here. My roomies, my flute friends, all of them. It's an evil circle. When I'm here I want to go home, when I'm home, I want to be here. Sssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhh.
I still haven't found an accompanist...I've asked like three people but none of them have been very comittal. I'm just gonna have to grit my teeth and get someone. Blah.
In other news Amanda came up on Thursday, it was pretty fun. She came up to get her cap and gown and generally do things that need doing before graduation. But she took me to lunch at Craigos and then to dinner at Taco Bell. Mmm that's healthy living for ya. That evening I had a flute choir concert, we played Petite Suite by Debussy. But there was hardly anyone at the concert. Then that evening I found out my frind Chris got his mission call so we all went over to see him open it. He's going to the Everett Washington leaving at the end of June. I'm so excited for him!
Friday....mmmm....what happened Friday? Uhhhhhh all I remember is Friday evening Nyssa and I watched Iron Man and then did DDR 'til like midnight. It was pretty fun. Oh, and we had a RS enrishment activity that night. It was really good. Since Nyssa's the enrichment conselor she planned and did a lot of work on it. She did real well.
Saturday I had a make-up flute lesson at nine, then trombone sectionals, then a concert at 3:00. The flute choir played, and then I played Telemann fantasie #3 in b minor. If I can figure it out I'l see if I can put the video of me playing up here. Or down below whatever. :P After that, Carrie Saral Felix and I went to the DI to get ties for our university band concert, then messed around looking at all the ridiculous things they have for sale there. I got BYU mens choir CD for $1.00
it was awesome! After that we ended up picking up Amber and her sister and going to Wingers. It was really yummy but too expensive. Then I came home and did homework like a responsible little girl.
Today is Sunday, we're watching the Princess Bride hence the random quote at the top. Hopefully I get all the Sunday things done I want to get done.
K bye.
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