Ya. So I haven't written in a long time. Longer than I should have. And it's really late. But I thought I'd put in my two cents tonight 'cause I can.
Uhh the Sousa concert went really well, it was last Friday and now it's Thursday. Our picc solo went well although we totally rushed at the end. Hopefully the recording will come out soon and I'm totally buying it!!!
But. On to more important things. Such as the fact that today happens to be my birthday. Yay me!!! Ha ha jk I actually hate people making a big deal about my birthday because I am generally a shy person. I totally got away with it in dance AND band. No one sang to me. BUT after flute scale class (where we had our test by the way....I think I did pretty good...) umm my flute buddies totally had made me a cake and so they brought it in and sang Happy Birthday and we ate cake for like half an hour until we all had to go to other classes.
THEN this evening I went to a harp ensemble and after that Carrie said we were gonna have pizza in the elevator afterwards....and I was like ok cool. But it turns out we actually had hamburgers and bacon and salad and all the works to go with it. And they made me a hamburger the size of a plate. It was amazing! So not only did they make me a cake, but they also made hamburgers. And we had a party in the elevator. Yes, the elevator. It's actually pretty big because they use it to haul pianos and timpani's and Xlophones and stuff on and off stage so we had a pretty nice setup going on. And when people opened the door to use it, we offered them a hamburger. I'm sure many people thought we were crazy. And let's face it, we are. Sigh. I have the best friends!!
All in all it was an amazing birthday. Oh!! and I got a package from home which contained lots of really cute clothes (thanks mom!!) and a towel and some candy AND best of all.....drum roll here....a metronome! Yay! Because I had a really crappy one and now I have a really nice one that subdivides, and is also a tuner and also a pitch generator and ALSO a guitar tuner so if I ever take up guitar I'm set. Cha-ching! Now I'm excited to practice. Well sort of.
Oh, also before I went to the harp concert but after I had cake, my FHE brother brought me over another cake. It was chocolate and looked delicious so even though I'd just had flute cake I had to have a piece. It was really good. I'm going on a date with him tomorrow night. And Nyssa also made me a cake, so in all I got three cakes. Not bad for one birthday! I am now officially 20. I will never be a teenager again. And I don't know if that's sad or exciting. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Life. The Universe. EVERYTHING. I don't think 42 is the answer.
Man life can be so crazy sometimes. That's all I really have to say. Pretty much this whole week I've been living through a drug induced haze on account of all the cold medicine I was taking on account of me having a cold. So I've kind of gotten used to it helping me get to sleep. And now I can't take it anymore 'cause I'm not sick. Shoot. So I'm sitting here writing instead.
Well my both of my ear training test went very well thanks for asking! (I'm going to assume you asked even though you're a nonexistent person. Ooh!! I must be writing to Edward Cullen. Yes!! And I'm not even apologizing.) Although I did run out of time at the end so I had to guess random chords on the chord identification part of the written test. Oh well. I guess we'll see what I got on Tuesday...eek. Also it was ok that I skipped dance class 'cause all we did was start leaning cha cha which I already know 'cuz I learned it in High School. This dance class? Pwnd. Oh ya.
Tomorrow is a big day for me! Its the symphony band concert. I'm really excited! Me and the other flutes (there are 4 of us) are going to play the picc solo in stars and stripes forever. Like we stand up and walk to the front. I'm kind of nervous. But not too bad. I feel kind of cheated sometimes becase instrumental concerts NEVER get near as many people attending as choir concerts do. And we put in the same amount of work. Which is a lot. It's just one of those injustices of life on account of the instrument I chose. At least I'm not a string player. (Sorry string players!!) It's harsh but true.
My life is awesome. I love it. Just the way I would have it I think. Well as long as I get all my homework and practicing done that is. And it's great knowing that.
Well my both of my ear training test went very well thanks for asking! (I'm going to assume you asked even though you're a nonexistent person. Ooh!! I must be writing to Edward Cullen. Yes!! And I'm not even apologizing.) Although I did run out of time at the end so I had to guess random chords on the chord identification part of the written test. Oh well. I guess we'll see what I got on Tuesday...eek. Also it was ok that I skipped dance class 'cause all we did was start leaning cha cha which I already know 'cuz I learned it in High School. This dance class? Pwnd. Oh ya.
Tomorrow is a big day for me! Its the symphony band concert. I'm really excited! Me and the other flutes (there are 4 of us) are going to play the picc solo in stars and stripes forever. Like we stand up and walk to the front. I'm kind of nervous. But not too bad. I feel kind of cheated sometimes becase instrumental concerts NEVER get near as many people attending as choir concerts do. And we put in the same amount of work. Which is a lot. It's just one of those injustices of life on account of the instrument I chose. At least I'm not a string player. (Sorry string players!!) It's harsh but true.
My life is awesome. I love it. Just the way I would have it I think. Well as long as I get all my homework and practicing done that is. And it's great knowing that.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I'm sick. And tired. But I had a great weekend!!
Sooooooo. I meant to write while I was home but didn't make time. Actually I just forgot. So now I'm back in Idaho. But I had a really good time while I was home. Except that either my sister or m mother gave me the cold I currently have, so I feel like there is something unpleasant stuffing up my head and my throat really hurts. But I'll be ok as long as I'm able to sing tomorrow. I have one of those incredibly stupid ear training singing tests tomorrow. Eww.
But enough of that. On to the weekend! Morgan and I decided to skip band and leave right after our New Testament class, so we did and were on the road at like 1:15. A former FHE bro Forrest (something something) also came to get a ride to Provo. I got home like around four and no one was even home. That kind of sucked but Amber and Rena came home in like 15 mins.
So that evening I went on a blind-ish date with Cali. Well me and Cali and we both had dates. Hee hee :) She went with Jake and she set me up with this Guy named Alex (who oddly enough has a stepmom who used to be the evil vice principle at our intermediate school. But that has nothing to do with anything.) It was really really fun! Both Alex and Jake are military; Jake army and Alex, air force I think but I could be wrong. We went to pizza hut then went bowling where Alex taught me to bowl better and I improved my previous score of 54 by 20 points. W00t! Then we came home and played idiot then watched Meet the Robinsons where I had a very pleasant time cuddling with him on the couch. I only say that because this is the first opportunity I've had to do that with a boy. Don't laugh at me. I got his number and hopefully we'll keep in touch.
Saturday I went shopping with my mother, which was pretty fun, and we tried unsuccessfully to find me a pair of boots. Then I went to work with my sister and that was pretty ok. We got back late though. Mmm chicken! Oh and I also went on a walk with my dad. It was fun although when we walked through the tennis courts it was really hard on account of the 7 inches of snow we had received that day.
Sunday was fun, although it started at 9 freakin' am. Church here starts at 1:30 so needles to say I had a hard time staying awake. Also Relief Society was a bummer 'cause my mother was up in the nursery so I had no one to sit with. After church Amber and I made Bolognese (which I think is spelled right) which is basically a really really yummy kind of spaghetti sauce. It has like 4 different types of meat, and carrots and celery and onions and two whole cups of cream. It's like eating a heart attack but it's really really good. Oh and we also had asparagus and broccoli and oatmeal scones if you care. I went on another walk with dad, and then fell asleep on the couch again.
I woke up feeling really crappy but I still had to do all the homework I didn't do over the weekend. So I practiced my flute and clarinet and also did some ear training. Then Cali came over and made out with Jake on our front porch. Ha ha. Jk (but not really) We went over to her house and played Kingdom Hearts until Morgan came and we drove back to Idaho. Yay! Although we accidentally missed one of the turns and lost like 20 minutes. That's what happens when neither of us know where we're going very well.
So that's that. When we got home we had FHE and played battle of the sexes. It was pretty fun. I would have gone and practiced but they locked the snow building so I can't get in. So I've taken something that will hopefully knock me out, and I'm going to go to bed now 'cause I'm really really tired. I'll be at the snow by 6:30 and if I'm not ready by my first class at 7:45 I'll skip my dance class. I can afford to miss one. It's a dance class. Ok bye
But enough of that. On to the weekend! Morgan and I decided to skip band and leave right after our New Testament class, so we did and were on the road at like 1:15. A former FHE bro Forrest (something something) also came to get a ride to Provo. I got home like around four and no one was even home. That kind of sucked but Amber and Rena came home in like 15 mins.
So that evening I went on a blind-ish date with Cali. Well me and Cali and we both had dates. Hee hee :) She went with Jake and she set me up with this Guy named Alex (who oddly enough has a stepmom who used to be the evil vice principle at our intermediate school. But that has nothing to do with anything.) It was really really fun! Both Alex and Jake are military; Jake army and Alex, air force I think but I could be wrong. We went to pizza hut then went bowling where Alex taught me to bowl better and I improved my previous score of 54 by 20 points. W00t! Then we came home and played idiot then watched Meet the Robinsons where I had a very pleasant time cuddling with him on the couch. I only say that because this is the first opportunity I've had to do that with a boy. Don't laugh at me. I got his number and hopefully we'll keep in touch.
Saturday I went shopping with my mother, which was pretty fun, and we tried unsuccessfully to find me a pair of boots. Then I went to work with my sister and that was pretty ok. We got back late though. Mmm chicken! Oh and I also went on a walk with my dad. It was fun although when we walked through the tennis courts it was really hard on account of the 7 inches of snow we had received that day.
Sunday was fun, although it started at 9 freakin' am. Church here starts at 1:30 so needles to say I had a hard time staying awake. Also Relief Society was a bummer 'cause my mother was up in the nursery so I had no one to sit with. After church Amber and I made Bolognese (which I think is spelled right) which is basically a really really yummy kind of spaghetti sauce. It has like 4 different types of meat, and carrots and celery and onions and two whole cups of cream. It's like eating a heart attack but it's really really good. Oh and we also had asparagus and broccoli and oatmeal scones if you care. I went on another walk with dad, and then fell asleep on the couch again.
I woke up feeling really crappy but I still had to do all the homework I didn't do over the weekend. So I practiced my flute and clarinet and also did some ear training. Then Cali came over and made out with Jake on our front porch. Ha ha. Jk (but not really) We went over to her house and played Kingdom Hearts until Morgan came and we drove back to Idaho. Yay! Although we accidentally missed one of the turns and lost like 20 minutes. That's what happens when neither of us know where we're going very well.
So that's that. When we got home we had FHE and played battle of the sexes. It was pretty fun. I would have gone and practiced but they locked the snow building so I can't get in. So I've taken something that will hopefully knock me out, and I'm going to go to bed now 'cause I'm really really tired. I'll be at the snow by 6:30 and if I'm not ready by my first class at 7:45 I'll skip my dance class. I can afford to miss one. It's a dance class. Ok bye
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Life is like polychords. Really really weird. And confusing. And hard to analyze. Ya.
I have an eyeball headache. Like, I guess it's not really my eyeballs but the sinuses that are around where my eyeballs are are tense or something.....I don't know. They just hurt. It's 'cause I spend too much time on the computer and also I need to take my contacts out. I'll go do that now. brb...............ok I'm back! (yes I know I'm weird) Much more better!
I like Wednesdays. They're pretty laid back as long as I get all my practicing in. Today my New Testament class was canceled (which is sad but also happy 'cause I had a free hour) and I got my two hours practicing in before band at two. Yes! But going for two hours straight is something I can rarely do. I don't recommend it. By the end my brain is pretty much mush and I don't know how much good I'm doing. But today was a really good day and I got a lot done. I'm playing a French piece by Taffanel that's really really pretty. I'm excited.
Oh, on Monday for FHE we had a jungle themed ward party. It was pretty fun. It set FHE groups against each other, as we competed in intense contests such as which group could eat a bucket of ice cream first (May it be noted that our FHE group was the only one to finish the bucket. And it only took us like 5 mins. We can put away ice cream!) or win a relay race or draw a pic of a care bear and a lion and a pogo stick. Oh man. This is us in our jungle attire.

So that's pretty much all I have to say I think. Except that I am so excited for the weekend! I'm going to be going home to see my family and my bestie! I will have to work....but at least I'll be home!! And working really isn't that bad. So next blog will probably be from home yay! 'Til then!
I like Wednesdays. They're pretty laid back as long as I get all my practicing in. Today my New Testament class was canceled (which is sad but also happy 'cause I had a free hour) and I got my two hours practicing in before band at two. Yes! But going for two hours straight is something I can rarely do. I don't recommend it. By the end my brain is pretty much mush and I don't know how much good I'm doing. But today was a really good day and I got a lot done. I'm playing a French piece by Taffanel that's really really pretty. I'm excited.
Oh, on Monday for FHE we had a jungle themed ward party. It was pretty fun. It set FHE groups against each other, as we competed in intense contests such as which group could eat a bucket of ice cream first (May it be noted that our FHE group was the only one to finish the bucket. And it only took us like 5 mins. We can put away ice cream!) or win a relay race or draw a pic of a care bear and a lion and a pogo stick. Oh man. This is us in our jungle attire.

So that's pretty much all I have to say I think. Except that I am so excited for the weekend! I'm going to be going home to see my family and my bestie! I will have to work....but at least I'll be home!! And working really isn't that bad. So next blog will probably be from home yay! 'Til then!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I am addicted to mike n' ikes
I really am. It's kind of sad actually, but I love them! Currently I am trying to stop eating them, but they are just staring at me from the box saying EAT ME!!!! Sarah we love you!! And how can I say no to something like that? I used to pull them out one by and and decide if that one was a Mike or an Ike. The Ikes always tasted better. :P
So, this weekend was really fun although it was kind of expensive. Saturday I went to Idaho Falls with Morgan, Nyssa and one of our FHE brothers named Brandon. We went to the IF temple which was really fun even though since we were walk-ins we joined with another ward that was scheduled at the time we showed up. The only problem with that was that since Brandon was endowed they recruited him to be one of the ones confirming so we had to wait like 45 minutes 'til the whole ward was done. But I'm not complaining, I like sitting in the temple, and the nice temple lady turned on Johnny Lingo for us to watch.
After that we went to lunch (taco bell, yum!) and then to the mall for shopping. I ended up buying a cute pink sweater from Old Navy and a new camisole (is that how you spell it? I have no idea...the spell check thing didn't underline it, so I'm going with it..) from Downeast.
After that we ended up going to winco which is apparently a store that sells bulk groceries for really cheap. And also some things that are not bulk also really cheap. So I ended up buying like 12 cup o' noodles for like three dollars which is a really good deal. It makes me feel really fat but I will totally eat them all throughout the semester, which goes to show that one, I need better eating habits, but two, I just don't have the time to have one on account of my being a music major. So ya. Oh and I also got seven kiwis for a dollar. Dangit I was going to eat one tonight...on well to late now!
My Sunday was really good too except that the lecture hall where we have sacrament meeting was really really warm so I couldn't keep my eyes open. This is a strange phenomenon to me. How come, on Sundays when I sleep in to an absurdly late time do I always get tired? I definately got enough sleep! Whatever......After church I went to a stake relief society fireside with Nyssa which was really good but a little too long. I was starting to get a little antsy at the end and my butt was getting sore. But they had lemon bars for refreshments so I forgave them. I love lemon bars! Last thing, our ward elders quorum presidency came over this evening and when they noticed the large amount of ice located on our doorstep that just about causes us to fall and break our legs every time we go outside, they decided to get rid of it for us. So we gave them hot chocolate. It was fun.
Ok I'm pretty much done. I can't wait for next weekend because I'm going home!! Yay! And Cali is setting up a date thing on Friday so I'll finally get some action...ha ha just kidding! Only problem is I have a ear training mid term on the Tuesday I get back (a singing one too, which means I have to sing a stupid song for him, in front of the whole class, using the stupid hand signs and everything.) So I'll pretty much be spending Monday in front of our piano. Oh well. At least I'll be home. (And most likely bugging my sisters. :P)
Ok really done now! Hopefully I'll write more before Friday! I'll do my best to find some time....
So, this weekend was really fun although it was kind of expensive. Saturday I went to Idaho Falls with Morgan, Nyssa and one of our FHE brothers named Brandon. We went to the IF temple which was really fun even though since we were walk-ins we joined with another ward that was scheduled at the time we showed up. The only problem with that was that since Brandon was endowed they recruited him to be one of the ones confirming so we had to wait like 45 minutes 'til the whole ward was done. But I'm not complaining, I like sitting in the temple, and the nice temple lady turned on Johnny Lingo for us to watch.
After that we went to lunch (taco bell, yum!) and then to the mall for shopping. I ended up buying a cute pink sweater from Old Navy and a new camisole (is that how you spell it? I have no idea...the spell check thing didn't underline it, so I'm going with it..) from Downeast.
After that we ended up going to winco which is apparently a store that sells bulk groceries for really cheap. And also some things that are not bulk also really cheap. So I ended up buying like 12 cup o' noodles for like three dollars which is a really good deal. It makes me feel really fat but I will totally eat them all throughout the semester, which goes to show that one, I need better eating habits, but two, I just don't have the time to have one on account of my being a music major. So ya. Oh and I also got seven kiwis for a dollar. Dangit I was going to eat one tonight...on well to late now!
My Sunday was really good too except that the lecture hall where we have sacrament meeting was really really warm so I couldn't keep my eyes open. This is a strange phenomenon to me. How come, on Sundays when I sleep in to an absurdly late time do I always get tired? I definately got enough sleep! Whatever......After church I went to a stake relief society fireside with Nyssa which was really good but a little too long. I was starting to get a little antsy at the end and my butt was getting sore. But they had lemon bars for refreshments so I forgave them. I love lemon bars! Last thing, our ward elders quorum presidency came over this evening and when they noticed the large amount of ice located on our doorstep that just about causes us to fall and break our legs every time we go outside, they decided to get rid of it for us. So we gave them hot chocolate. It was fun.
Ok I'm pretty much done. I can't wait for next weekend because I'm going home!! Yay! And Cali is setting up a date thing on Friday so I'll finally get some action...ha ha just kidding! Only problem is I have a ear training mid term on the Tuesday I get back (a singing one too, which means I have to sing a stupid song for him, in front of the whole class, using the stupid hand signs and everything.) So I'll pretty much be spending Monday in front of our piano. Oh well. At least I'll be home. (And most likely bugging my sisters. :P)
Ok really done now! Hopefully I'll write more before Friday! I'll do my best to find some time....
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I am way to enthusiastic for how late it is
Ha ha just kidding. Man it seems the only time I'm going to be able to update this thing is when either late at night, or on Sundays. And I can't even say it's because I'm a music major and too freaking busy (which is true enough) but Emily updates her blog more than me, and I daresay she's busier than me at times. Sigh priorities priorities.
Man. Ok Let's update! Monday!
....was a pretty normal Monday I think. Except I didn't have flute lessons so I was done an hour early. FHE was fun, we went ice skating and then had cake 'cause it was like four people's birthday all about the same time. It was great. There are pictures up on facebook if you care at all.
.....was not that normal actually. No flute choir 'cause Sister McCabe was still out of action. Apparently after getting her tonsils out, she got a really bad flu. But hopefully she'll be back for my lesson on Monday! Cross your fingers! I totally did something else and I can't even remember what it was.....dangit!
Oh! I remember! I went with my friend Cassie (the one who moved to Montana and then Colorado....we were besties all throughout elementary school ya that one) to watch a British movie. It was called "The Gods Must Be Crazy" and was really weird. I kind of liked it except that one of the main characters was an African guy who mainly only wore a loin cloth that did not do a very good job of covering his butt most of the time.
Was normal pretty much except instead of doing my last hour of practicing I went over to our FHE brothers' house with my roomies and we watched Nacho Libre (again) and ate nachos and brownies which Nyssa decorated with a frosting luchador mask. It was amazing and I must say it is much more entertaining to watch that movie with a bunch of immature guys than with just Morgan and Nyssa and me being half asleep. So that was fun. Oh! And I also joined the ward bowling team, and attempted to bowl a good game but uhh I got a 54. I know. Pitiful. They might not want me on their team. I'm gonna put some pictures of that up later if I remember.
Man I'm tired I can't even remember what happened yesterday....oh ya. Ok. Thursday was normal pretty much. Me, Carrie, Amber, and Marissa (my flute major buddies) all walked down to Madison middle school to observe the band. I brought my clarinet and had to play with them. It's a very humbling experience to have a 12 year old play the clarinet way better than you. They kind of laughed at me. But I learned a lot. Then we had to walk home on account of us walking there in the first place on account of us not having access to a car. It's quite the walk, took us like half an hour probably which made me almost late for symphony band flute sectionals.
Hey that's today! Well, it was today about an hour ago anyway. Today was a good day. We played lots in ww methods, and in band I played the trombone better than I ever have probably. When I got home at six, Nyssa had a girl she tutors over to make pizza. She's from Korea and still working on her English which is why she was being tutored. Her name was Mijoo (or something like that) and really really fun. I showed her the candy Rena gave me for Christmas (the mushroom one) and she said that they have the exact same thing in Korea, and they call it the same thing (albeit the Korean version.) cool huh? Then I went over to Cassie's and watched the devil wears prada and ate junk food with her and some of her old roomies. It was so much fun. We actually talked about me somehow being able to come visit her in Colorado over the summer sometime. It would be awesome!
And now I'm home writing this. So ya. That was my week kind of in a nutshell. But now I'm tired and going to bed. Night all!
Man. Ok Let's update! Monday!
....was a pretty normal Monday I think. Except I didn't have flute lessons so I was done an hour early. FHE was fun, we went ice skating and then had cake 'cause it was like four people's birthday all about the same time. It was great. There are pictures up on facebook if you care at all.
.....was not that normal actually. No flute choir 'cause Sister McCabe was still out of action. Apparently after getting her tonsils out, she got a really bad flu. But hopefully she'll be back for my lesson on Monday! Cross your fingers! I totally did something else and I can't even remember what it was.....dangit!
Oh! I remember! I went with my friend Cassie (the one who moved to Montana and then Colorado....we were besties all throughout elementary school ya that one) to watch a British movie. It was called "The Gods Must Be Crazy" and was really weird. I kind of liked it except that one of the main characters was an African guy who mainly only wore a loin cloth that did not do a very good job of covering his butt most of the time.
Was normal pretty much except instead of doing my last hour of practicing I went over to our FHE brothers' house with my roomies and we watched Nacho Libre (again) and ate nachos and brownies which Nyssa decorated with a frosting luchador mask. It was amazing and I must say it is much more entertaining to watch that movie with a bunch of immature guys than with just Morgan and Nyssa and me being half asleep. So that was fun. Oh! And I also joined the ward bowling team, and attempted to bowl a good game but uhh I got a 54. I know. Pitiful. They might not want me on their team. I'm gonna put some pictures of that up later if I remember.
Man I'm tired I can't even remember what happened yesterday....oh ya. Ok. Thursday was normal pretty much. Me, Carrie, Amber, and Marissa (my flute major buddies) all walked down to Madison middle school to observe the band. I brought my clarinet and had to play with them. It's a very humbling experience to have a 12 year old play the clarinet way better than you. They kind of laughed at me. But I learned a lot. Then we had to walk home on account of us walking there in the first place on account of us not having access to a car. It's quite the walk, took us like half an hour probably which made me almost late for symphony band flute sectionals.
Hey that's today! Well, it was today about an hour ago anyway. Today was a good day. We played lots in ww methods, and in band I played the trombone better than I ever have probably. When I got home at six, Nyssa had a girl she tutors over to make pizza. She's from Korea and still working on her English which is why she was being tutored. Her name was Mijoo (or something like that) and really really fun. I showed her the candy Rena gave me for Christmas (the mushroom one) and she said that they have the exact same thing in Korea, and they call it the same thing (albeit the Korean version.) cool huh? Then I went over to Cassie's and watched the devil wears prada and ate junk food with her and some of her old roomies. It was so much fun. We actually talked about me somehow being able to come visit her in Colorado over the summer sometime. It would be awesome!
And now I'm home writing this. So ya. That was my week kind of in a nutshell. But now I'm tired and going to bed. Night all!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Michael Buble has a very nice voice. mmm......
It smells like bacon in here. And I didn't even get to eat any.....my roommate and her fiance (with a cool thing on top of the e only I can't find how to put one up there......) made bacon hamburgers and so now it smells like lovely crispy bacon. And I smell like bacon too. I want some. But I'm eating an orange with is much healthier for you although it doesn't hold the satisfaction that something as greasy and fattening as bacon does...... :)
So this week was pretty good although I still live for the weekends even though I don't even get to sleep in on Saturdays anymore on account of them moving my trombone sectionals to ten in the morning instead of noon. Some would say that sleeping 'til nine IS sleeping in, and I guess it is but I hate being rushed on Saturday mornings. And trombone sectionals aren't that fun to go to early in the morning. Basically Brother Nelson just lectures us on how to play better and tells us to practice and practice and practice and why aren't we practicing? and then we spend the whole hour on like two measures.
Also on Saturday we had an enrichment activity. It was pretty fun. We had muffins and juice and played some games. Everyone brought an extra shoe and then another girl had to tell what you were like just by what shoe you brought without knowing who's shoe it was. It was excellent.
Also also on Saturday I helped my friend Carrie try to teach a vocal major to play the flute. It was quite a learning experience. Both Carrie and I had different ways we thought would best help teach the flute, so that was interesting but it worked pretty well in the end. The girl is in our woodwind methods class, and apparently vocalists have a hard time with the concept of fingering and embouchure because obviously you don't have to use either when singing. On a nerdy music rant, apparently when you play the clarinet you're not supposed to open your throat very big, instead make your mouth like when you say queen. This is a foreign concept to me 'cause on the flute the more open your throat is, the better. I'm currently learning the clarinet in ww methods and I'm kind of having a hard time with that.
Also also also on Saturday I went and saw Vocal Point with my roommate Morgan. They're an acapella group from BYU consisting of nine very good looking men (and all but like three of them were married. But the youngest one wasn't! And he was pretty cute.....:D). It was so much fun! They sang everything from Lead Kindly Light to the Inspector Gadget theme song to the 12 days of Christmas. Really really random. My kind of music. :) I got one one of the CDs for Cali for her brithday and so I have a copy of that one but I want another CD 'cause they're that awesome.
Also also also also (and I think this will be the last also.....Saturday was a busy day!) after Vocal Point Morgan, Nyssa and I watched Nacho Libre. It's a nickelodian movie about a spanish monk who wants to be a luchador. It's pretty dumb but also pretty funny. Like Napoleon Dynamite funny. But I fell asleep a couple of times because I was so tired.
So ya. That was my Saturday. Today was pretty good. We had a good lesson in RS and we had a cheezy noodle vegetable casserole for dinner. It was excellent. I'm thinking I'm going to have to make my hamburger rolls with cream cheese one of these days for a Sunday dinner. Nyssa has tarragon that she says she'll donate so thats awesome. I'm excited. Maybe I'll do it next week. So mother, if you're reading this expect a call sometime for the recipe.
Well this blog seems long enough. Wish me luck on my next week of school! It'll be somewhat easy this week because my flute teacher got her tonsils out last Thursday. Poor lady. So I won't have lessons or masterclass or scale class or OR flute choir. So that's cool. I'll have to practice extra well though to make up for it though.
Ok really done. Except I'm going to put up a picture of me and my sisters at temple square over the Christmas break. My sis Amber just posted them on facebook. This one is my favorite.
So this week was pretty good although I still live for the weekends even though I don't even get to sleep in on Saturdays anymore on account of them moving my trombone sectionals to ten in the morning instead of noon. Some would say that sleeping 'til nine IS sleeping in, and I guess it is but I hate being rushed on Saturday mornings. And trombone sectionals aren't that fun to go to early in the morning. Basically Brother Nelson just lectures us on how to play better and tells us to practice and practice and practice and why aren't we practicing? and then we spend the whole hour on like two measures.
Also on Saturday we had an enrichment activity. It was pretty fun. We had muffins and juice and played some games. Everyone brought an extra shoe and then another girl had to tell what you were like just by what shoe you brought without knowing who's shoe it was. It was excellent.
Also also on Saturday I helped my friend Carrie try to teach a vocal major to play the flute. It was quite a learning experience. Both Carrie and I had different ways we thought would best help teach the flute, so that was interesting but it worked pretty well in the end. The girl is in our woodwind methods class, and apparently vocalists have a hard time with the concept of fingering and embouchure because obviously you don't have to use either when singing. On a nerdy music rant, apparently when you play the clarinet you're not supposed to open your throat very big, instead make your mouth like when you say queen. This is a foreign concept to me 'cause on the flute the more open your throat is, the better. I'm currently learning the clarinet in ww methods and I'm kind of having a hard time with that.
Also also also on Saturday I went and saw Vocal Point with my roommate Morgan. They're an acapella group from BYU consisting of nine very good looking men (and all but like three of them were married. But the youngest one wasn't! And he was pretty cute.....:D). It was so much fun! They sang everything from Lead Kindly Light to the Inspector Gadget theme song to the 12 days of Christmas. Really really random. My kind of music. :) I got one one of the CDs for Cali for her brithday and so I have a copy of that one but I want another CD 'cause they're that awesome.
Also also also also (and I think this will be the last also.....Saturday was a busy day!) after Vocal Point Morgan, Nyssa and I watched Nacho Libre. It's a nickelodian movie about a spanish monk who wants to be a luchador. It's pretty dumb but also pretty funny. Like Napoleon Dynamite funny. But I fell asleep a couple of times because I was so tired.
So ya. That was my Saturday. Today was pretty good. We had a good lesson in RS and we had a cheezy noodle vegetable casserole for dinner. It was excellent. I'm thinking I'm going to have to make my hamburger rolls with cream cheese one of these days for a Sunday dinner. Nyssa has tarragon that she says she'll donate so thats awesome. I'm excited. Maybe I'll do it next week. So mother, if you're reading this expect a call sometime for the recipe.
Well this blog seems long enough. Wish me luck on my next week of school! It'll be somewhat easy this week because my flute teacher got her tonsils out last Thursday. Poor lady. So I won't have lessons or masterclass or scale class or OR flute choir. So that's cool. I'll have to practice extra well though to make up for it though.
Ok really done. Except I'm going to put up a picture of me and my sisters at temple square over the Christmas break. My sis Amber just posted them on facebook. This one is my favorite.

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