Man life can be so crazy sometimes. That's all I really have to say. Pretty much this whole week I've been living through a drug induced haze on account of all the cold medicine I was taking on account of me having a cold. So I've kind of gotten used to it helping me get to sleep. And now I can't take it anymore 'cause I'm not sick. Shoot. So I'm sitting here writing instead.
Well my both of my ear training test went very well thanks for asking! (I'm going to assume you asked even though you're a nonexistent person. Ooh!! I must be writing to Edward Cullen. Yes!! And I'm not even apologizing.) Although I did run out of time at the end so I had to guess random chords on the chord identification part of the written test. Oh well. I guess we'll see what I got on Tuesday...eek. Also it was ok that I skipped dance class 'cause all we did was start leaning cha cha which I already know 'cuz I learned it in High School. This dance class? Pwnd. Oh ya.
Tomorrow is a big day for me! Its the symphony band concert. I'm really excited! Me and the other flutes (there are 4 of us) are going to play the picc solo in stars and stripes forever. Like we stand up and walk to the front. I'm kind of nervous. But not too bad. I feel kind of cheated sometimes becase instrumental concerts NEVER get near as many people attending as choir concerts do. And we put in the same amount of work. Which is a lot. It's just one of those injustices of life on account of the instrument I chose. At least I'm not a string player. (Sorry string players!!) It's harsh but true.
My life is awesome. I love it. Just the way I would have it I think. Well as long as I get all my homework and practicing done that is. And it's great knowing that.
Druggy! All hopped up on pills and such. Good thing your haze didn't effect your sweet piccadillo playing skills on Friday. You were bomb. Atomic bomb.