I like Wednesdays. They're pretty laid back as long as I get all my practicing in. Today my New Testament class was canceled (which is sad but also happy 'cause I had a free hour) and I got my two hours practicing in before band at two. Yes! But going for two hours straight is something I can rarely do. I don't recommend it. By the end my brain is pretty much mush and I don't know how much good I'm doing. But today was a really good day and I got a lot done. I'm playing a French piece by Taffanel that's really really pretty. I'm excited.
Oh, on Monday for FHE we had a jungle themed ward party. It was pretty fun. It set FHE groups against each other, as we competed in intense contests such as which group could eat a bucket of ice cream first (May it be noted that our FHE group was the only one to finish the bucket. And it only took us like 5 mins. We can put away ice cream!) or win a relay race or draw a pic of a care bear and a lion and a pogo stick. Oh man. This is us in our jungle attire.

So that's pretty much all I have to say I think. Except that I am so excited for the weekend! I'm going to be going home to see my family and my bestie! I will have to work....but at least I'll be home!! And working really isn't that bad. So next blog will probably be from home yay! 'Til then!
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