So this week was pretty good although I still live for the weekends even though I don't even get to sleep in on Saturdays anymore on account of them moving my trombone sectionals to ten in the morning instead of noon. Some would say that sleeping 'til nine IS sleeping in, and I guess it is but I hate being rushed on Saturday mornings. And trombone sectionals aren't that fun to go to early in the morning. Basically Brother Nelson just lectures us on how to play better and tells us to practice and practice and practice and why aren't we practicing? and then we spend the whole hour on like two measures.
Also on Saturday we had an enrichment activity. It was pretty fun. We had muffins and juice and played some games. Everyone brought an extra shoe and then another girl had to tell what you were like just by what shoe you brought without knowing who's shoe it was. It was excellent.
Also also on Saturday I helped my friend Carrie try to teach a vocal major to play the flute. It was quite a learning experience. Both Carrie and I had different ways we thought would best help teach the flute, so that was interesting but it worked pretty well in the end. The girl is in our woodwind methods class, and apparently vocalists have a hard time with the concept of fingering and embouchure because obviously you don't have to use either when singing. On a nerdy music rant, apparently when you play the clarinet you're not supposed to open your throat very big, instead make your mouth like when you say queen. This is a foreign concept to me 'cause on the flute the more open your throat is, the better. I'm currently learning the clarinet in ww methods and I'm kind of having a hard time with that.
Also also also on Saturday I went and saw Vocal Point with my roommate Morgan. They're an acapella group from BYU consisting of nine very good looking men (and all but like three of them were married. But the youngest one wasn't! And he was pretty cute.....:D). It was so much fun! They sang everything from Lead Kindly Light to the Inspector Gadget theme song to the 12 days of Christmas. Really really random. My kind of music. :) I got one one of the CDs for Cali for her brithday and so I have a copy of that one but I want another CD 'cause they're that awesome.
Also also also also (and I think this will be the last also.....Saturday was a busy day!) after Vocal Point Morgan, Nyssa and I watched Nacho Libre. It's a nickelodian movie about a spanish monk who wants to be a luchador. It's pretty dumb but also pretty funny. Like Napoleon Dynamite funny. But I fell asleep a couple of times because I was so tired.
So ya. That was my Saturday. Today was pretty good. We had a good lesson in RS and we had a cheezy noodle vegetable casserole for dinner. It was excellent. I'm thinking I'm going to have to make my hamburger rolls with cream cheese one of these days for a Sunday dinner. Nyssa has tarragon that she says she'll donate so thats awesome. I'm excited. Maybe I'll do it next week. So mother, if you're reading this expect a call sometime for the recipe.
Well this blog seems long enough. Wish me luck on my next week of school! It'll be somewhat easy this week because my flute teacher got her tonsils out last Thursday. Poor lady. So I won't have lessons or masterclass or scale class or OR flute choir. So that's cool. I'll have to practice extra well though to make up for it though.
Ok really done. Except I'm going to put up a picture of me and my sisters at temple square over the Christmas break. My sis Amber just posted them on facebook. This one is my favorite.

ReplyDeleteI love your blog. YOu are hilarious