Friday, November 18, 2011

I can't beat the Tron monster!

To clarify, I can't beat the Tron monster in the Tron section of Kingdom Hearts 2. This big robot guy with laser beams and stuff. And he's not even the biggest bad guy. But it's ok. I'm not that good at video games on account of I don't play them very often. But that's also ok, because not playing them very much is a sign that I hopefully do something better with my time. :) We hope.

So anyway, it's been awhile since I've written in here on account of I've been kind of lazy. But I shall try to keep up. Did I mention in my last post that I FINALLY got a semi-permanent job? Well I did! Yay! It's at Kent's in the deli. So every morning (Except Friday because I go to Nobilus Friday mornings...) I go to Kents and slice meat for them, and cheese, and make a bunch of sandwiches, dole out potato salad, (Which comes in milk cartons oddly enough.....) and the such. So fun. Well actually it's a lot more fun than working at Autoliv so I'll take it any day. Plus the company is much better.

Also another big thing that happened is that my brother finally got married. Yay! Just about a week ago. So that was a lot of fun, and also a bunch of stress mania. But not toooooo much. They tied the knot in the Logan temple. It was actually the first time I'd been to a sealing because I was in Thailand when Amber got married and Cali got sealed to Jake. It was really nice, and a lot simpler than I thought it would be. But after that was the fun part. We cleaned and cleaned and cleaned the house in preparation for the massive open house/reception thing that went on that evening. Also I made about 200 cupcakes and a bunch of cookies. It was great! And also I got to see Cali that weekend so I was happy. The reception went really well, lots and lots of people....and lots of treats.....but we made it somehow.

So now this weekend my parents (and the lovely couple) are in Texas on account of that being where Jayna is from, for a reception there. So I am stuck at my lovely house all by myself for the whole weekend. At first I was a little scared of it, but it's actually been really fun. I dragged my PS2 upstairs and I did DDR on it loudly last night. I've played some Kingdom Hearts which I haven't done in a very long time, and I got to practice my flute in the front room where it echoes really well. It was quite fun.

I've finally picked out what I'm going to play for my tryout and I'm finally getting into practicing. I really REALLY need to, if I have any hope of being any good when I go back to school in January. (And don't even get me started about registering for classes and that headache.....) But hopefully it will all be worth it.

Well, that's about all I can think of to write now. It's after five and Kimber's threatened to come kidnap to and have fun with her this evening, so I hope that happens sometime soon. Until then......I shall try to beat that Tron monster some more. จบ

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