So I'm supposed to be doing my music lit homework right now and I'm probably going to regret not doing it....but I seem to be all about procrastination right now, that and the popcorn I've commandeered from Lerin. Some of it just flew out of my mouth and hit the screen. Gross. But don't worry I have properly sanitized the screen so we're good.
I am so excited for Thanksgiving break it's almost unbearable, or at least it feels like it sometimes. The thing is though I get a whole week off, I have to practice for two hours a day including on Thanksgiving and also I have an insane amount of homework to complete. Blarg.
BUT! On Friday which is TOMORROW after I get home I am going to watch the New Star Trek movie with Kimber, which I am way too excited about.....and I'm hopefully going to find my way to West Valley to visit Cali while I'm home....Jodie is going to give me a tour of the new high school. Well half. Well, what happened is they're making major modifications to the one we have. Like tearing down most of it...only problem is students also have to go to school while this is it's kinda crazy. It'll be interesting to see what they've done....
Ya. So that's pretty much all I have to say but I wanted to update. Oh maybe I'll put something about my week. I'm happy to report that I am kicking piccolo butt more than it's kicking my butt and though I have lots of work still to do, I think I may actually perform something I can be proud of.
All my other classes are boring. Well not really I just don't feel like thinking about them right now. I just want to go hoooooooooooooooooome.
K that's about all I can think of for now. Just felt like updating so I did. Bye!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hello there my neglected blog!
I'm sorry I haven't updated you lately Mr. Blog!
...although I have no idea why I'm referring to you like you're a person.........
....and also if you were to have human characteristics you would be female...cuz I am....and this whatever I'm putting way too much into something very irrelevant.
The point is, I have not updated this in awhile. And boy has a lot happened.
First things, I am going on a mission. Wow. Like it doesn't really seem real to me yet. But when I go home in the winter instead of going back to school it'll probably hit. I've already sold my contract and I'm going to apply for deferment, or whatever, I'm going to go to the school admin and defer my schooling on account of a mission. And since this is a church school they actually encourage this sort of thing instead of making it difficult so that's nice.
My roommate Nyssa is also going on a mission and, truth be told that was probably the turning point that convinced me to go on one as well, but I have been thinking about this for a very long time, since before Cali's wedding. I didn't think I would do it so soon though. I was sure I was going to be here winter semester. I suppose the Lord has other plans for me, and if that's so I'm content to go along with them. :) Wow.
So that means I'm now going to mission prep classes and temple prep classes, the works. I'm learning lots, I love it. Also I've officially started filling out my papers so that's exciting. I hope to have them in soon after Thanksgiving.
Ok, so what else is happening in my life? Lots of music.....but thats normal. I'm playing piccolo in the symphony band and it's kicking my butt. But never fear, I will have that piccolo's butt kicked by the time the concert comes along. It's going to be awesome.
I've kind of just fallen into a routine that I do over and over and over as I go through my life. Classes, homework, practice, class, practice go home and do more homework. Not that it's a bad thing but I don't really have a life except I go over to Marisa's every once in awhile to watch movies or something.
Oh, I did go with Marisa to her hometown of Jerome, Idaho for a weekend. That was fun...I learned a lot about life, and also weird as it seems, I learned kind of what it's like to be a not-Utah Mormon. We played in her sacrament meeting for her boyfriends farewell which was fun. We went to a party and played pool, watched too many movies and went four wheeling. Oh and her mom is an AMAZING cook. We had homemade pizza the first day, potato bacon soup the second, and oh shoot. I want to say Thai food but it wasn't Thai. It was something like that though. I shall have to ask her.
Tonight was my FHE brother's birthday so we made him dinner...Hawaiian haystacks and spice cake cupcakes. Delicious, I ate way too much. In fact I think I'm going to go get the leftover olives and eat them. Ha ha ha ha!!! What an evil person I am.
Mmmmm munch munch. Ok what else. Tomorrow I don't have school til eleven thirty yay! (Which is extra great because I usually have to be at school at seven fourty five.)
Ok I can't think of anything else except I really can't wait for Thanksgiving break! But weirdly enough I also kind of want time to go slower because this is potentially the last semester I will spend with the roommates I have and that will be sad. :(
Oh can't end this on a bad note. Something good.....perhaps just that I am very grateful for the experiences I've been able to have and the people that have blessed my life. I'm not sure what to expect next but I'm going to face it boldly and walk forward with my head held high.
Hopefully it won't be so long before I update this again. 'til then.
...although I have no idea why I'm referring to you like you're a person.........
....and also if you were to have human characteristics you would be female...cuz I am....and this whatever I'm putting way too much into something very irrelevant.
The point is, I have not updated this in awhile. And boy has a lot happened.
First things, I am going on a mission. Wow. Like it doesn't really seem real to me yet. But when I go home in the winter instead of going back to school it'll probably hit. I've already sold my contract and I'm going to apply for deferment, or whatever, I'm going to go to the school admin and defer my schooling on account of a mission. And since this is a church school they actually encourage this sort of thing instead of making it difficult so that's nice.
My roommate Nyssa is also going on a mission and, truth be told that was probably the turning point that convinced me to go on one as well, but I have been thinking about this for a very long time, since before Cali's wedding. I didn't think I would do it so soon though. I was sure I was going to be here winter semester. I suppose the Lord has other plans for me, and if that's so I'm content to go along with them. :) Wow.
So that means I'm now going to mission prep classes and temple prep classes, the works. I'm learning lots, I love it. Also I've officially started filling out my papers so that's exciting. I hope to have them in soon after Thanksgiving.
Ok, so what else is happening in my life? Lots of music.....but thats normal. I'm playing piccolo in the symphony band and it's kicking my butt. But never fear, I will have that piccolo's butt kicked by the time the concert comes along. It's going to be awesome.
I've kind of just fallen into a routine that I do over and over and over as I go through my life. Classes, homework, practice, class, practice go home and do more homework. Not that it's a bad thing but I don't really have a life except I go over to Marisa's every once in awhile to watch movies or something.
Oh, I did go with Marisa to her hometown of Jerome, Idaho for a weekend. That was fun...I learned a lot about life, and also weird as it seems, I learned kind of what it's like to be a not-Utah Mormon. We played in her sacrament meeting for her boyfriends farewell which was fun. We went to a party and played pool, watched too many movies and went four wheeling. Oh and her mom is an AMAZING cook. We had homemade pizza the first day, potato bacon soup the second, and oh shoot. I want to say Thai food but it wasn't Thai. It was something like that though. I shall have to ask her.
Tonight was my FHE brother's birthday so we made him dinner...Hawaiian haystacks and spice cake cupcakes. Delicious, I ate way too much. In fact I think I'm going to go get the leftover olives and eat them. Ha ha ha ha!!! What an evil person I am.
Mmmmm munch munch. Ok what else. Tomorrow I don't have school til eleven thirty yay! (Which is extra great because I usually have to be at school at seven fourty five.)
Ok I can't think of anything else except I really can't wait for Thanksgiving break! But weirdly enough I also kind of want time to go slower because this is potentially the last semester I will spend with the roommates I have and that will be sad. :(
Oh can't end this on a bad note. Something good.....perhaps just that I am very grateful for the experiences I've been able to have and the people that have blessed my life. I'm not sure what to expect next but I'm going to face it boldly and walk forward with my head held high.
Hopefully it won't be so long before I update this again. 'til then.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
soooo tired. But satisfied.
Fulfilling the obligation I feel to report on the crazy weekend I just had:
I don't know why. It just feels like when I write things down perhaps I won't lose it so fast.
Anyway, I left for home Friday at two. The girls I rode with were really nice, but they all seemed to know each other somehow whereas I just found them on the ride board.
That evening there was a bbq at Jake's house for all those who were going to participate in the wedding. I was kinda hoping they would do toasts or something but they didn't. As I've said before it was pretty nontraditional. Cali was looking really stressed so Mckell and I decided, after dinner we would take her hostage. So we did. We all got in our pjs, got frozen yogurt and then just did whatever we felt like 'til super late then had one last sleepover just for old times sake. Really really fun. One of the best parts though, was when we got to my house I found a note on the door (from my sisters) that said "follow the frosted flake trail to find a prize." So we did. They had actually laid a trail of frosted flakes through the kitchen and into the laundry room. In there was an empty box of frosted flakes that said "this box may LOOK empty, but it's full of love!" hee hee. Plus we found all kinds of other sticky notes all over the house. My sisters are awesome.
When I woke up Saturday morning, it was to find out that the sniffles I had been trying to suppress all evening had evolved into a full fledged head cold. Oh joy. So I was basically drugged up the entire of the wedding so that I wouldn't sneeze when the preacher asked for anyone to "say now or forever hold your
peace." :) In spite of that, the wedding was awesome. I think I've come to better terms with Jake even. Here, I'm going to put up a picture. (p.s. I didn't notice 'til now, but Jake seems very serious in this pic. Not much of a smile, and dark sunglasses. Maybe he works for the men in black instead of the army... :) My dress turned out ok even though the sleeves were pinned on. They're going on their honeymoon in a car covered in creamed corn, bologna, sauerkraut, cocoa powder, ranch dressing, and more toilet paper in than out. Sheesh. It's cuz Jake's best man is nuts. Like really really nuts.
Ok what else? Umm, it was held in the park and we were SUPER SUPER lucky it didn't rain. Jeni Allen caught the boquet and her fiance got the garter. Big surprise there.
Mostly I'm glad it's finally over. So much drama over with. But I'm gonna miss that girl.
Also conference was EXCELLENT. The part that I heard anyway, although I'm sure the rest of it was as well. I didn't see Saturday obviously, and Sunday I kept falling asleep on account of the cold medicine was on.
Oh, I am SOO excited to hear that Brigham City gets a temple! So excited! If it's finished before I'm married, I definitely want to get married there. Who knows, maybe Cali and Jake will be sealed there....although I think they want to to that earlier than like two years from now.
Got back to Idaho about ten. Still sick. Have school tomorrow. I might not go to my first class, we'll see how I feel.
I don't know why. It just feels like when I write things down perhaps I won't lose it so fast.
Anyway, I left for home Friday at two. The girls I rode with were really nice, but they all seemed to know each other somehow whereas I just found them on the ride board.
That evening there was a bbq at Jake's house for all those who were going to participate in the wedding. I was kinda hoping they would do toasts or something but they didn't. As I've said before it was pretty nontraditional. Cali was looking really stressed so Mckell and I decided, after dinner we would take her hostage. So we did. We all got in our pjs, got frozen yogurt and then just did whatever we felt like 'til super late then had one last sleepover just for old times sake. Really really fun. One of the best parts though, was when we got to my house I found a note on the door (from my sisters) that said "follow the frosted flake trail to find a prize." So we did. They had actually laid a trail of frosted flakes through the kitchen and into the laundry room. In there was an empty box of frosted flakes that said "this box may LOOK empty, but it's full of love!" hee hee. Plus we found all kinds of other sticky notes all over the house. My sisters are awesome.
When I woke up Saturday morning, it was to find out that the sniffles I had been trying to suppress all evening had evolved into a full fledged head cold. Oh joy. So I was basically drugged up the entire of the wedding so that I wouldn't sneeze when the preacher asked for anyone to "say now or forever hold your
Ok what else? Umm, it was held in the park and we were SUPER SUPER lucky it didn't rain. Jeni Allen caught the boquet and her fiance got the garter. Big surprise there.
Mostly I'm glad it's finally over. So much drama over with. But I'm gonna miss that girl.
Also conference was EXCELLENT. The part that I heard anyway, although I'm sure the rest of it was as well. I didn't see Saturday obviously, and Sunday I kept falling asleep on account of the cold medicine was on.
Oh, I am SOO excited to hear that Brigham City gets a temple! So excited! If it's finished before I'm married, I definitely want to get married there. Who knows, maybe Cali and Jake will be sealed there....although I think they want to to that earlier than like two years from now.
Got back to Idaho about ten. Still sick. Have school tomorrow. I might not go to my first class, we'll see how I feel.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Just spitting out random things.....
So its been quite a long time since I've gotten around to updating this thing.....
A lot has happened I guess but most of it is school stuff. I'm in Idaho (obviously) and just you know, schooling. Yay.
Scary thing.....I am three semesters away from my senior recital. Eee! Like, my flute teacher wants me to start working on the music next semester. It's gonna take that long. That is so crazy! But life just keeps going on and on relentlessly. It can't do anything else I suppose. Unless I had the power to go through time or something.
Which reminds me....the new season of Heroes started tonight and I'm excited to watch it! I don't ever get to watch it live cuz we don't have cable (although we do have a TV that works FINALLY so I can do DDR and we can watch movies) but I just watch it online later. I'm gonna watch it to reward myself for getting all my homework (and maybe a little extra) done tomorrow.
So ya. My workload actually isn't too hard this semester, I only have 13 credits because I dropped my English class. I really like it though because now I can get all my practicing done before 4 0'clock every day except Tuesdays on account of having Master class when I'm supposed to practice. I feel more on top of things than I have in other semesters.
This weekend I'm going home so I can see Cali get married. So that's exciting I guess. It's taken FOREVER but it's finally here. I'm kinda glad to be getting it all over with, and I know Cali is; she hasn't been taking the stress very well lately. I'm predicting that getting married won't make any of the stress go away though. Sigh. My mother is making my dress but since I'm not there to do measurements she's using Amber. We're approximately the same size (like everywhere :) ) so it should fit ok.
Sigh. Today is Monday. I hate Mondays. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
A lot has happened I guess but most of it is school stuff. I'm in Idaho (obviously) and just you know, schooling. Yay.
Scary thing.....I am three semesters away from my senior recital. Eee! Like, my flute teacher wants me to start working on the music next semester. It's gonna take that long. That is so crazy! But life just keeps going on and on relentlessly. It can't do anything else I suppose. Unless I had the power to go through time or something.
Which reminds me....the new season of Heroes started tonight and I'm excited to watch it! I don't ever get to watch it live cuz we don't have cable (although we do have a TV that works FINALLY so I can do DDR and we can watch movies) but I just watch it online later. I'm gonna watch it to reward myself for getting all my homework (and maybe a little extra) done tomorrow.
So ya. My workload actually isn't too hard this semester, I only have 13 credits because I dropped my English class. I really like it though because now I can get all my practicing done before 4 0'clock every day except Tuesdays on account of having Master class when I'm supposed to practice. I feel more on top of things than I have in other semesters.
This weekend I'm going home so I can see Cali get married. So that's exciting I guess. It's taken FOREVER but it's finally here. I'm kinda glad to be getting it all over with, and I know Cali is; she hasn't been taking the stress very well lately. I'm predicting that getting married won't make any of the stress go away though. Sigh. My mother is making my dress but since I'm not there to do measurements she's using Amber. We're approximately the same size (like everywhere :) ) so it should fit ok.
Sigh. Today is Monday. I hate Mondays. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Off to Idaho......
So tonight is my last night here in good 'ol Brigham. Yes, I am leaving all my adoring fans and returning to Idaho. Or something like that anyway. I have packed all of my life (except for a small overnight bag) into our marshmallow minivan and tomorrow and like 7:30 in the morning we are going to drive up to Idaho. Why so early you ask? Well we decided to get there in time to go to my cousin's church. THEN we're going to have a somewhat massive Sunday dinner with the Webbs, the Watkins, the Richins/Roemichs AND Aunt Karen and Nichole. It's going to be awesome.
After that it's back to school! I'm really excited about it but also a little nervous. Apparently the stakes have been raised. Or the bar has been raised. Or something. It's getting harder and harder to become a flute player, like the juries are going to be WAY more intense. Also I still have to figure out what classes I'm taking, like I have my schedule planned out, but it could al change depending on what (or if) ensemble I'm gonna get into. Mostly I don't like to think about it, but it's coming so I have too.
One happy thing though is I got a new phone!! Yay! I like it but it's definitely going to get some getting used to. Especially the texting. Sigh. K I just don't feel like typing anything else tonight.
Update when I'm in Idaho.
After that it's back to school! I'm really excited about it but also a little nervous. Apparently the stakes have been raised. Or the bar has been raised. Or something. It's getting harder and harder to become a flute player, like the juries are going to be WAY more intense. Also I still have to figure out what classes I'm taking, like I have my schedule planned out, but it could al change depending on what (or if) ensemble I'm gonna get into. Mostly I don't like to think about it, but it's coming so I have too.
One happy thing though is I got a new phone!! Yay! I like it but it's definitely going to get some getting used to. Especially the texting. Sigh. K I just don't feel like typing anything else tonight.
Update when I'm in Idaho.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
eyeball headaches and dry lips my favorite!
Well, actually it's not actually my favorite. Thats just how I feel tonight. I thought I'd do a quick update even though it's late.
Lets see, blah blah blah working blah blah blah, I did pick get the materiel and stuff for my dress for Cali's wedding. That was kinda's going to be lightish teal, and its really really cute! Kinda the same color as that dress that Nyssa has (I think she made it for prom). It's strapless though so we have to make a jacket to go with it.
Also that weekend my cousins, my sisters, and I dyed our hair red and purple. That was fun although after camping most of the sun bleached it out. Jodie's was really purple for awhile. There are, of course pics on facebook. Seriously we pretty much put our whole lives on there.
I went camping with my family this Mon, through tonight. We got home about nine thirty. It was really fun. I turned off my cell phone and with it went the drama. Yay! Even though the nights were super cold, and my feet got blisters it was sooooooooo nice to be away from the drama. And my sisters and I didn't fight once while we were up there which was also nice. I'm so glad we get along so well.
The biggest thing occupying my time now is that Cali's bridal shower is going to be at my house the 29th of August. And Cali accidentallly put 5-9 instead of 5-8 so now we have to entertain a bunch of people for 4 instead of 3 hours. Sheesh its a lot more stressful than I thought it would be. And we have to make the dress which is going to take forever. AND I'm out of money so Cali's mother is funding the shower mostly which I feel really bad about, but I really really can't afford it so it's the only way its going to run. Sigh.
K now I'm off to bed after taking some asprin for aforementioned eyeball headache. Toodles!
Lets see, blah blah blah working blah blah blah, I did pick get the materiel and stuff for my dress for Cali's wedding. That was kinda's going to be lightish teal, and its really really cute! Kinda the same color as that dress that Nyssa has (I think she made it for prom). It's strapless though so we have to make a jacket to go with it.
Also that weekend my cousins, my sisters, and I dyed our hair red and purple. That was fun although after camping most of the sun bleached it out. Jodie's was really purple for awhile. There are, of course pics on facebook. Seriously we pretty much put our whole lives on there.
I went camping with my family this Mon, through tonight. We got home about nine thirty. It was really fun. I turned off my cell phone and with it went the drama. Yay! Even though the nights were super cold, and my feet got blisters it was sooooooooo nice to be away from the drama. And my sisters and I didn't fight once while we were up there which was also nice. I'm so glad we get along so well.
The biggest thing occupying my time now is that Cali's bridal shower is going to be at my house the 29th of August. And Cali accidentallly put 5-9 instead of 5-8 so now we have to entertain a bunch of people for 4 instead of 3 hours. Sheesh its a lot more stressful than I thought it would be. And we have to make the dress which is going to take forever. AND I'm out of money so Cali's mother is funding the shower mostly which I feel really bad about, but I really really can't afford it so it's the only way its going to run. Sigh.
K now I'm off to bed after taking some asprin for aforementioned eyeball headache. Toodles!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Summer depression is setting in.....or something.
Sigh. It has been a loooooooooooooooooong summer. And I still have a month to go. Part of me can't WAIT for summer to get over, and other parts of me really don't want it to end. Also I'm having trouble coping with the fact that my best friend has replaced me, but I don't have anyone to replace her. So I spend a lot of days alone or with my family. On the upside, I'm spending lots of quality time with my sisters.
Speaking of quality time with my sisters....last weekend I went to a secondhand serenade concert with them and it
was EXCELLENT. Possibly the funnest day of summer so far. It was at Thanksgiving Point which is like 20 mins away from Provo, and about 30 mins or so past South Salt Lake if you care. It was an outdoor performance so we just put a blanket out on the grass. We weren't that close to the stage though we did walk up as close as we could when secondhand serenade actually started singing so we could be with the group that was jumping up and down and belting out the songs insead of in the back where the people were mostly making out on thier blankets. :) A group called Single File performed first (they were ok......) then We Shot the Moon who was better (and they gave us free samples of their new CD which is pretty good) Then a band called Parachute who's song "she is love" is apparently really popular on the radio although I don't really like it. Hee hee ok. Then at like 9:30 (it started at 7) secondhand serenade actually started and it went til 11. Man I had so much fun it was great. And thanks for letting me rant about it for a really long paragraph.
Seriously nothing else has happened this summer. And nothing else is planned. I don't even get to go to peach days because its a week later on account of Labor Day being a week later on account of September starting on a Tuesday. Usually Peach Days is the last weekend before I go up, but its the weekend after this year. Bummer. And I was kinda planning on being in the Peach Queen Pagent (for the experience and also cuz my job would have sponsored me) but I guess thats out.
I am going to go to drive my mommy to Salt Lake on Friday so she can get her chemo, and since it takes like 4 hours my Aunt Wendy is going to take me (and Jodie) to lunch and also perhaps shopping if we're lucky. So I guess that'll be fun.
K thats it. Bye
Speaking of quality time with my sisters....last weekend I went to a secondhand serenade concert with them and it

Seriously nothing else has happened this summer. And nothing else is planned. I don't even get to go to peach days because its a week later on account of Labor Day being a week later on account of September starting on a Tuesday. Usually Peach Days is the last weekend before I go up, but its the weekend after this year. Bummer. And I was kinda planning on being in the Peach Queen Pagent (for the experience and also cuz my job would have sponsored me) but I guess thats out.
I am going to go to drive my mommy to Salt Lake on Friday so she can get her chemo, and since it takes like 4 hours my Aunt Wendy is going to take me (and Jodie) to lunch and also perhaps shopping if we're lucky. So I guess that'll be fun.
K thats it. Bye
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Heeeeeeey there folks! It's an update!!!
Pretty much my life is about chicken and tacos and stupid stupid drama right now. But thats ok.
Lets see.......
Well I went to Heber with Cali last weekend to go shopping and also a family reunion. The shopping was really fun, the reunion was really boring especially since it wasn't even my family. To alleviate the boringness Cali and I took like a billion pictures which are, of course up on facebook. So go look at them if you want. Also, maybe I'll stick one up here. Might as well.We're nerds I know, but life is so much more fun that way. I know I'll stick up the one of us with the gigantic Stormtrooper made of Legos. He was quite the guy.
K what else? Well there's the whole wedding drama thing, which I guess is just panning out the way most do with lots and lots of drama. But I don't know if I've said but I get to throw the shower which I am sooooo excited about. I'm going to do it in my (well not MY but my parents? K whatev you get the point) backyard cuz it's real big. Not sure what we're going to do yet, games, or whatnot but it's going to be awesome! Planned for the last Sat in August.
I did go see Harry Potter though not on opening night or anything. Like everyone I've talked to LOVED it, but I actually didn't like it that much. I really liked the 5th one so maybe my expectations were too high. The thing was that it didn't really ever have any action. Or maybe it didn't seem like it because I've read the books and I know whats going to happen. Someone ahead of me got mad cuz I was getting bored and when they were in the cave I practically shouted "Don't touch the water!" Also the Inferi looked like Gollum. I kept expecting them to go my precious! Hee hee. Also I was mad they skipped the whole battle at the end. And instead of acting everyone just stood around awkwardly. Ok fine I'll stop criticizing. I told Jodie I'd go again with her so I'm giving it a second chance.
What else? Oh. I officially made my nerd status go up 7 points by purchasing Star Trek 1-4 from Kimber for 20 dollars. I didn't really like 2 but for 20 bucks it was worth it. Ahhhhhhhhhh. If that stupid movie had never come out I would not be wasting so much of my time on this. Oh well. I usually get really obsessed for awhile and then I'm done. Shouldn't be much longer 'til I'm done.
K well that's all I can think of. Hmmm last night I went to a potluck in the park with my sisters and my mama, (who is doing really well despite the fact she's now a baldy. I totally thought she'd cave and buy a wig but she didn't! She's awesome!!!!) and then came home and just hung out with them. It was nice, I haven't done that it quite a while.
K well I guess I'm pretty much done. Have fun y'all and I'll see if I can't remember to do this a little more often.
"Being a nerd means you're allowed to get unironically enthusiastic about stuff.....when people call people nerds, mostly what they're saying is "you like stuff!" which is just not a good insult at all." -John Green-
Friday, July 3, 2009
Back to the usual as you can see.....
It's been forever since I've updated this. I really need to. Life is life is life is life. Same as usual I guess. Today I went to work 11-4 and then at 6 they called me in til 11:00. Things like that happen way to often to me although I really need the money.
Umm something huge huge huge huge that has happened is that Cali is engaged to Jake now and I'm her maid of honor. I'm really happy for them but it is so much work! Holy cow! And I'm not even the one getting married. Also there is way too much drama. I think when I get married drama is going to be illegal. The date is set for Oct 3 so I'm gonna have to come down for the wedding, and also tons of other things that first month. I really hope school won't be too crazy.
Speaking of which I can't even register for the bloomin' classes I need to and I really need to get it figured out soon. Sigh. It's just hard to think about school when there's so much else to think about.
Oh Rena went home that was sad. We really miss her. Uhhhhhh what else? I've spent a lot of time walking with my dad, ddr-ing with Jo, and watching way too much star trek to be considered normal.
Tomorrow and Saturday I'm going to be attending a massive family reunion on my mother's side of the family. I don't think all of my moms brothers and sisters have gotten together in a very long time so it's going to be quite the reunion.
Oh also my mom is doing really well. She had her first bout of chemo a few weeks ago and her hair is starting to fall out a little bit. But she staunchly refuses to by a wig and says she's going to wear scarves the whole time. I think she's going to cave. After chemo there's going to be radiation every m-f for like 3 weeks. She'll be done in like October. Sigh. Man I've been sighing way too much. I should be more cheerful. :P :)
Ok I'm done. Sooner than last time I hope.
It's been forever since I've updated this. I really need to. Life is life is life is life. Same as usual I guess. Today I went to work 11-4 and then at 6 they called me in til 11:00. Things like that happen way to often to me although I really need the money.
Umm something huge huge huge huge that has happened is that Cali is engaged to Jake now and I'm her maid of honor. I'm really happy for them but it is so much work! Holy cow! And I'm not even the one getting married. Also there is way too much drama. I think when I get married drama is going to be illegal. The date is set for Oct 3 so I'm gonna have to come down for the wedding, and also tons of other things that first month. I really hope school won't be too crazy.
Speaking of which I can't even register for the bloomin' classes I need to and I really need to get it figured out soon. Sigh. It's just hard to think about school when there's so much else to think about.
Oh Rena went home that was sad. We really miss her. Uhhhhhh what else? I've spent a lot of time walking with my dad, ddr-ing with Jo, and watching way too much star trek to be considered normal.
Tomorrow and Saturday I'm going to be attending a massive family reunion on my mother's side of the family. I don't think all of my moms brothers and sisters have gotten together in a very long time so it's going to be quite the reunion.
Oh also my mom is doing really well. She had her first bout of chemo a few weeks ago and her hair is starting to fall out a little bit. But she staunchly refuses to by a wig and says she's going to wear scarves the whole time. I think she's going to cave. After chemo there's going to be radiation every m-f for like 3 weeks. She'll be done in like October. Sigh. Man I've been sighing way too much. I should be more cheerful. :P :)
Ok I'm done. Sooner than last time I hope.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Since my customary farewell seems oddly self serving, I will simply say good luck."
Ten points to whoever knows what movie that quote is from.
Actually I'm just going to tell you because I want to talk about it. I just got back from the new Star Trek Movie and it was nerdtastically excellent. Actually it was also excellent in a kind of non nerdy way as well which surprised me. Even though Spock was actually Sylar. (From Heroes. Ya I'm probably the only one that watches that show.) But I only thought he was going to steal Kirk's brain at the beginning. I got past it fairly quickly. But now it's like one in the morning and I can't sleep. It's cuz we'd been planning on going to see the movie a bunch of times but things got in the way and we'd put it off like 3 or 4 times. So even though it was a Monday night, we went at 9:45. Hee hee.
Man my life has been crazy lately. Mostly I've just worked a lot. I've worked 35-40 hours at my job every week, which means I'm really sick of chicken right now. But I'm also grateful that I have a job because I know quite a few people who don't have them and can't get one. Stupid Economy. So really the reason that I haven't updated it quite awhile is mostly that I haven't really had the time, or when I have had time I forgot to. Oops.
Also because something has happened, or rather I found out something that I've been avoiding thinking about but I can't really not write it here because its such a big part of my life right now and I suppose the whole point of this IS to write down whats happening in my life. Awhile ago we found out that my mother has breast cancer. When my mom told us about it I kind of didn't believe it because my Aunt also just found out she had breast cancer. But it's true. She's going in for surgery this Friday and starts chemo soon after that. Sigh. They say that this is very survivable and that we shouldn't worry about her dying or anything, but it's going to be a tough summer. Because of the chemo, we won't have a mom a lot of the time. I'm sure we'll be able to get along, I mean Jo's the youngest and she's 15, it's just going to be different. It scares me a bit. Sigh. Mostly I cope by not thinking about it.
And that's my life in a nutshell. That and Cali and Jake are practically engaged so I'm losing my best friend. Seriously I see no reason to come back to Utah next summer. I can take some summer classes, flute lessons or whatever, and if I can find a job I'll be able to get money.....sigh sigh sigh sigh. It's going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooong summer.
Actually I'm just going to tell you because I want to talk about it. I just got back from the new Star Trek Movie and it was nerdtastically excellent. Actually it was also excellent in a kind of non nerdy way as well which surprised me. Even though Spock was actually Sylar. (From Heroes. Ya I'm probably the only one that watches that show.) But I only thought he was going to steal Kirk's brain at the beginning. I got past it fairly quickly. But now it's like one in the morning and I can't sleep. It's cuz we'd been planning on going to see the movie a bunch of times but things got in the way and we'd put it off like 3 or 4 times. So even though it was a Monday night, we went at 9:45. Hee hee.
Man my life has been crazy lately. Mostly I've just worked a lot. I've worked 35-40 hours at my job every week, which means I'm really sick of chicken right now. But I'm also grateful that I have a job because I know quite a few people who don't have them and can't get one. Stupid Economy. So really the reason that I haven't updated it quite awhile is mostly that I haven't really had the time, or when I have had time I forgot to. Oops.
Also because something has happened, or rather I found out something that I've been avoiding thinking about but I can't really not write it here because its such a big part of my life right now and I suppose the whole point of this IS to write down whats happening in my life. Awhile ago we found out that my mother has breast cancer. When my mom told us about it I kind of didn't believe it because my Aunt also just found out she had breast cancer. But it's true. She's going in for surgery this Friday and starts chemo soon after that. Sigh. They say that this is very survivable and that we shouldn't worry about her dying or anything, but it's going to be a tough summer. Because of the chemo, we won't have a mom a lot of the time. I'm sure we'll be able to get along, I mean Jo's the youngest and she's 15, it's just going to be different. It scares me a bit. Sigh. Mostly I cope by not thinking about it.
And that's my life in a nutshell. That and Cali and Jake are practically engaged so I'm losing my best friend. Seriously I see no reason to come back to Utah next summer. I can take some summer classes, flute lessons or whatever, and if I can find a job I'll be able to get money.....sigh sigh sigh sigh. It's going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooong summer.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi! You're my only hope!!
Ahh Star Wars. Some of the best movies ever made. The last 3 anyway. The ones that came later were mostly bunk. Hee hee hee It's so much fun just to watch and laugh. At midnight. With my pops. Good times. 5....4.....3.....2.....1.....Blast off!!! :P
Man I should update more than once a week I think....because then I would remember more of what happened during the week I think. Man I don't really even remember what days I worked.
Monday I worked I think......ya. I did. Then went home and did something of other that was really interesting and fun I'm sure. Hee hee.
Tuesday was much the same. Actually I worked from eleven to ten thirty I think. Eww. I hope not to have too many more of those days.
Wednesday I had off...............what did I do? I think I waste too much time sometimes. Oh oh I remember! I went to Logan with my mother. I slept in the van while she went to class then we went shopping. Yay for shopping! We went to Old Navy and got stuff for Jodie's birthday and also some tank tops that were on sale. Then at Ross I found a really cute new dress for really cheeeeep. I love it when that happens! I don't remember what I did after that. Uhh........I think I went over to Cali's and helped her with Math for her final on Monday.
Thursday I worked in the afternoon.....and didn't really do much in the morning....I'm starting a new jeans quilt for my bed on account of the one I have being too small and also ripping. I think I started it that day. I also went and bought the fabric. Its really cute, green with flowers.
Friday after work I went to Logan with my family and Cali to shop some more and then a choir concert for Madison HS and Mountain crest. It was really cool. Madison sang some of the same songs they sang for the concert they did with the college chiors back in Idaho. My cousin Becky is in that choir which is why we went. Also I made my video that day. I hope that works out. It will be fun if it does!
Saturday I mostly did chores and worked. Messed around. Stuff like that. Yay. I don't know why I don't really remember.
Today I went to the singles ward for the first Sunday. I think It'll be ok as long as I can get my two friends to get along with each other. Grrph. We had turkey and mashed potatoes for dinner which tasted like heaven. Then I watched Mulan with Jodie and we laughed at some of the more ridiculous things that happen. Its fun just being able to do things like that. Its what I miss most about home I think. Then we did DDR until late. And now here I am. Watching Star Wars with my padre. Hee hee hee ok I'm done. We'll see if I update before next Sunday.
Man I should update more than once a week I think....because then I would remember more of what happened during the week I think. Man I don't really even remember what days I worked.
Monday I worked I think......ya. I did. Then went home and did something of other that was really interesting and fun I'm sure. Hee hee.
Tuesday was much the same. Actually I worked from eleven to ten thirty I think. Eww. I hope not to have too many more of those days.
Wednesday I had off...............what did I do? I think I waste too much time sometimes. Oh oh I remember! I went to Logan with my mother. I slept in the van while she went to class then we went shopping. Yay for shopping! We went to Old Navy and got stuff for Jodie's birthday and also some tank tops that were on sale. Then at Ross I found a really cute new dress for really cheeeeep. I love it when that happens! I don't remember what I did after that. Uhh........I think I went over to Cali's and helped her with Math for her final on Monday.
Thursday I worked in the afternoon.....and didn't really do much in the morning....I'm starting a new jeans quilt for my bed on account of the one I have being too small and also ripping. I think I started it that day. I also went and bought the fabric. Its really cute, green with flowers.
Friday after work I went to Logan with my family and Cali to shop some more and then a choir concert for Madison HS and Mountain crest. It was really cool. Madison sang some of the same songs they sang for the concert they did with the college chiors back in Idaho. My cousin Becky is in that choir which is why we went. Also I made my video that day. I hope that works out. It will be fun if it does!
Saturday I mostly did chores and worked. Messed around. Stuff like that. Yay. I don't know why I don't really remember.
Today I went to the singles ward for the first Sunday. I think It'll be ok as long as I can get my two friends to get along with each other. Grrph. We had turkey and mashed potatoes for dinner which tasted like heaven. Then I watched Mulan with Jodie and we laughed at some of the more ridiculous things that happen. Its fun just being able to do things like that. Its what I miss most about home I think. Then we did DDR until late. And now here I am. Watching Star Wars with my padre. Hee hee hee ok I'm done. We'll see if I update before next Sunday.
Monday, April 20, 2009
How to make my life sound interesting.......
Time seems to go by in spurts. It's either super fast, or excruciatingly slow. I can tell it's going to be a looooooong summer. Emily will be at school, Nyssa has her internship, lots of my flute friends are in school in the summer, and Amber is working at this Ranch thing in Wyoming. But I'm stuck in Utah selling chicken. And tacos. It's not that I'm not happy to be home, I really am! But right now, with my sisters still in school, Cali still in school my mother still in school for goodness sake...I get kinda lonely. Also I never have a car. So tomorrow I have to walk to work at its like a 35 min walk. Not looking forward to it.
My week went pretty good, I worked Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. That night I slept over at Cali's house and then went to Weber with her on Friday. She only had a Math class so it was cool. We found Alex and some other people (at the chess club table...hee hee) and talked to them for awhile then went to the mall, where we tried on dresses again. Dillards is probably getting sick of us trying on prom dresses and then not buying anything. Hee hee I told the lady we were looking a bunch of different places, and we would come back when we'd made a descision. And we came back, but we didn't buy anything. Hee hee the pics are on facebook as usual. Also I bought some really nice purple sparkly nail polish from hot topic and also we got some stick on tatoos from one of those 75 cent machienes that gives you a little bubble. So much fun. When we got home Jake came over and I hung out with them for as long as I could stand and then went home.
Saturday was kinda boring. I did chores.....worked in the yard with my pops.....oh and we watched seven pounds that evening. It was kinda fun especialy since I'd seen it and they hadn't, which does not happen very often.
Sunday I descided to start going to the single's ward with Cali, but when we got there the place was empty and Cali suddenly remembered that it was stake conference. So we raced out to the church in Perry and was like 20 min late so we had to sit outside on one of the couches. Alex found us and sat with us for awhile. It was fun but I didn't listen very much like I should have. Hee hee.
This evening we went to Antelope island as a family so that Rena could see the Great Salt Lake. I stuck my finger in it for the first time, which is sad considering I've lived in Utah all my life. It was really pretty but also full of bugs. Rena got like three mosquito bites. They shouldn't be out until like May. Bleeeeech.
And now it's late, and I'm kinda tired. And I need to go to bed so I can be all cheerful selling chicken tomorrow. Eww.
My week went pretty good, I worked Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. That night I slept over at Cali's house and then went to Weber with her on Friday. She only had a Math class so it was cool. We found Alex and some other people (at the chess club table...hee hee) and talked to them for awhile then went to the mall, where we tried on dresses again. Dillards is probably getting sick of us trying on prom dresses and then not buying anything. Hee hee I told the lady we were looking a bunch of different places, and we would come back when we'd made a descision. And we came back, but we didn't buy anything. Hee hee the pics are on facebook as usual. Also I bought some really nice purple sparkly nail polish from hot topic and also we got some stick on tatoos from one of those 75 cent machienes that gives you a little bubble. So much fun. When we got home Jake came over and I hung out with them for as long as I could stand and then went home.
Saturday was kinda boring. I did chores.....worked in the yard with my pops.....oh and we watched seven pounds that evening. It was kinda fun especialy since I'd seen it and they hadn't, which does not happen very often.
Sunday I descided to start going to the single's ward with Cali, but when we got there the place was empty and Cali suddenly remembered that it was stake conference. So we raced out to the church in Perry and was like 20 min late so we had to sit outside on one of the couches. Alex found us and sat with us for awhile. It was fun but I didn't listen very much like I should have. Hee hee.
This evening we went to Antelope island as a family so that Rena could see the Great Salt Lake. I stuck my finger in it for the first time, which is sad considering I've lived in Utah all my life. It was really pretty but also full of bugs. Rena got like three mosquito bites. They shouldn't be out until like May. Bleeeeech.
And now it's late, and I'm kinda tired. And I need to go to bed so I can be all cheerful selling chicken tomorrow. Eww.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Why are you lying?? (Because I have to!) But your pants will catch fire!!!
Ahh home sweet home. Back in good 'ol Utah.
I'm home for the summer to sell chicken and tacos. And you want to know the worst part???? I've already been back to work. I wasn't home for 24 hours before I was selling chicken. But the good thing is they'll put me on full time so that's good. Hopefully I can make enough money for college next year. It's good to be home. It really is. I get to see my family, I get to see Cali (even though she's always hanging all over her boyfriend) and I don't have to worry about classes.
My finals went pretty well I think....lets see, I last wrote on Tuesday I think....or Monday I think I wrote about it's weird to think about being in Idaho when I'm home. It's like two different worlds. Umm umm Tuesday I had my woodwind methods playing final on the bass clarinet..I think it went well, then dance then an ear training sight singing test which I did well on. I am done with ear training forever!! It's so exciting! We got t-shirts for it too. It's great. Then I went out and celebrated with Marisa by going to a Thai restaurant and going to Broulim's and buying peeps. Then I did homework for a long time, then went to my dance final....then went over to Marisa's and watched the new Will Smith movie Seven Pounds. It's really good. One of those that you don't really get what's going on until then end and you go, OH!! Now I get it! Also it has my name in it. But I die so that's a bummer.
Wednesday was my last day of WW methods. We did breathing gym until the room was spinning, then I took an ED 200 final (write the history of American education and also what you think about it) and then I had a theory final, then New Testament. I took that final too then pretty much did nothing the rest of the day. It was great. Oh, and I went over to Chris's house (the one going to Washington on his mission) and we had pasta and were generally ridiculous. It was really fun. Then we went to the park to swing even though it was really late and also really cold. But it was way fun.
Thursday I pretty much packed all day along with taking my last final, the ear training written test. NOW I was really done with ear training. Phew! So then I packed some more, then I went to dinner with Amanda, and then was pretty bored for the rest of the day. I think I watched two episodes of Heroes that day.
Friday was boring until my family came and picked me up. I finished helping Nyssa and Emily pack, and said goodbye. Amber, Rena, Jodie and my parents came to get me. We went to Lynn's, then the Watkins where they made me play my flute song for them. It's fun to hang out with Becky though. Then we went to Wingers with Lynn and also Coldstone. Yum. Then we went home. Jodie, Rena, and I played Twilight 20 questions the whole way home, because we're just that cool. And also Jodie got Rena hooked on Twilight. Now she's in love with Edward Cullen just like the rest of us. :) I slept on the couch Friday night on account of everyone piling a bunch of boxes on my bed.
Saturday was great, I woke up like 10:30. Went to Wal-Mart to see Cali, then I had to work 'cuz Amber inadvertantly vollunteered me for it. But I only had to work 'til four so it was ok. Plus we kind of worked out my schedule. I went to a family party of Cali's in the evening with her and Jake. It was fun. I'm hoping I'll be able to get along with him there all the time. Also I hope she realizes that sometimes I want it to be just me and her. Ok enough of that. It was fun. Then I came home and did taxes with my father where I realized that my social security number is wrong on my Arbys W-2. Blerg what a mess. So we'll have to fix it somehow.
Today was Easter!! Yay! I went to my home ward and realized that I'm going to go to the singles ward from now on because Dad only comes half the time and mom's in the nursery so I won't have anyone to sit with. Plus I don't want to teach primary very badly. I came home and fell asleep which was excelent then went to Webbs. Quite enjoyable. Now I'm home writing this. I'll probalby dance tonight, and perhaps watch Mulan which Rachel loaned me. Yay. Ok. I hope my summer is an interesting one. We'll see I guess......toodles!!
I'm home for the summer to sell chicken and tacos. And you want to know the worst part???? I've already been back to work. I wasn't home for 24 hours before I was selling chicken. But the good thing is they'll put me on full time so that's good. Hopefully I can make enough money for college next year. It's good to be home. It really is. I get to see my family, I get to see Cali (even though she's always hanging all over her boyfriend) and I don't have to worry about classes.
My finals went pretty well I think....lets see, I last wrote on Tuesday I think....or Monday I think I wrote about it's weird to think about being in Idaho when I'm home. It's like two different worlds. Umm umm Tuesday I had my woodwind methods playing final on the bass clarinet..I think it went well, then dance then an ear training sight singing test which I did well on. I am done with ear training forever!! It's so exciting! We got t-shirts for it too. It's great. Then I went out and celebrated with Marisa by going to a Thai restaurant and going to Broulim's and buying peeps. Then I did homework for a long time, then went to my dance final....then went over to Marisa's and watched the new Will Smith movie Seven Pounds. It's really good. One of those that you don't really get what's going on until then end and you go, OH!! Now I get it! Also it has my name in it. But I die so that's a bummer.
Wednesday was my last day of WW methods. We did breathing gym until the room was spinning, then I took an ED 200 final (write the history of American education and also what you think about it) and then I had a theory final, then New Testament. I took that final too then pretty much did nothing the rest of the day. It was great. Oh, and I went over to Chris's house (the one going to Washington on his mission) and we had pasta and were generally ridiculous. It was really fun. Then we went to the park to swing even though it was really late and also really cold. But it was way fun.
Thursday I pretty much packed all day along with taking my last final, the ear training written test. NOW I was really done with ear training. Phew! So then I packed some more, then I went to dinner with Amanda, and then was pretty bored for the rest of the day. I think I watched two episodes of Heroes that day.
Friday was boring until my family came and picked me up. I finished helping Nyssa and Emily pack, and said goodbye. Amber, Rena, Jodie and my parents came to get me. We went to Lynn's, then the Watkins where they made me play my flute song for them. It's fun to hang out with Becky though. Then we went to Wingers with Lynn and also Coldstone. Yum. Then we went home. Jodie, Rena, and I played Twilight 20 questions the whole way home, because we're just that cool. And also Jodie got Rena hooked on Twilight. Now she's in love with Edward Cullen just like the rest of us. :) I slept on the couch Friday night on account of everyone piling a bunch of boxes on my bed.
Saturday was great, I woke up like 10:30. Went to Wal-Mart to see Cali, then I had to work 'cuz Amber inadvertantly vollunteered me for it. But I only had to work 'til four so it was ok. Plus we kind of worked out my schedule. I went to a family party of Cali's in the evening with her and Jake. It was fun. I'm hoping I'll be able to get along with him there all the time. Also I hope she realizes that sometimes I want it to be just me and her. Ok enough of that. It was fun. Then I came home and did taxes with my father where I realized that my social security number is wrong on my Arbys W-2. Blerg what a mess. So we'll have to fix it somehow.
Today was Easter!! Yay! I went to my home ward and realized that I'm going to go to the singles ward from now on because Dad only comes half the time and mom's in the nursery so I won't have anyone to sit with. Plus I don't want to teach primary very badly. I came home and fell asleep which was excelent then went to Webbs. Quite enjoyable. Now I'm home writing this. I'll probalby dance tonight, and perhaps watch Mulan which Rachel loaned me. Yay. Ok. I hope my summer is an interesting one. We'll see I guess......toodles!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
What's brown and sticky? A stick.
Oh man. Last Sunday feels like AGES ago. So much has happened. Not that any of it is really interesting or anything, but a lot has been going on. A lot. Lot lot lot.
It is now finals week and my life is getting pretty crazy., though my classes are slowly dropping out one by one. I haven't had flute choir in ages and university and symphonic band are kaput too on account of us already having the concerts for them. Tomorrow I'll be done at11:15 but I have to study for two huge tests I have on Wednesday but on Wed I get out at 10:15 when I'm done with both of them. No. I lied. I have new testament. I get out at 11:30 AND to top that off I don't even really have to go to class Thursday just take one final. Hee hee hee.!!! I have to pack pack pack Thurs and Friday at around 6 my fambily will be here to get me! We leave Saturday bright and early. Well maybe not early. But bright!!!!
That is my future, and I'm looking forward to it. Here's what's been happening.
That oscar thing I talked about that Monday wasn't too bad. The chicken was really good and I ate way too much dessert. mmmmmm
Tuesday.....uhhh I did some stuff.....oh my friend Marisa and I started coloring these geometric patterns instead of paying strict attention in ear training and's really fun. I've done like four so far.....keeps me entertained. That might have been the day I went over to her house and watched Martian child and colored. It was fun.
Wednesday.....I know I rehearsed with Aunt Pam one of these days......I practiced a lot.....ate cheese.......or not, don't remember.....uhm...I don't know but I'm sure I did important things anyway.
Thursday was my symphony band concert and my pops came up to see it. It was great. He got here at around 3, I think. He went to see Lynn while I practiced ear training, then we went to the Watkins, Aunt Pam and I performed for him, and they gave us dinner. And it was really good too. Like barbecue pork and homemade bread mmmmmm The concert went really well, and then I went on a walk with my pops to the temple. It was kinda weird walking around campus with him, kinda like giving someone a tour of my life.
Friday I did the math of my practice hours and realized that I needed 8 more hours to get an A for flute lessons, so I devised a practice plan to make it so, though I couldn't do any more that day because of white glove clean checks. Nyssa and I cleaned the kitchen. I spent about two hours cleaning out our fridge. Kinda gross, but the results are satisfying.
Saturday was conference, and just about every minute I didn't spend watching conference I spent doing homework and practicing. I also went to the Watkins and rehearsed. Conference was really good too by the way.
Sunday kinda just felt like an extension of Saturday because I spent the time I wasn't watching conference doing homework and practicing. I snuck into the snow and did it even though technically we're not supposed to. I stayed up 'til like 1:30 finishing my woodwind methods binder. I got really crazy, but it was fun.
MONDAY!!! 9:20 right after my woodwind methods final. But it went really well even though Bro. Holman made me play thirds which I wasn't expecting. I ran around with Marisa all day, and in University band we watched our concert which caused me to buy a cd of it.....uhm and tomorrow I have an ear training test and a dance final. Wish me luck!
I'm really tired from lack of sleep so I'm gonna go to bed now. Bye.
It is now finals week and my life is getting pretty crazy., though my classes are slowly dropping out one by one. I haven't had flute choir in ages and university and symphonic band are kaput too on account of us already having the concerts for them. Tomorrow I'll be done at11:15 but I have to study for two huge tests I have on Wednesday but on Wed I get out at 10:15 when I'm done with both of them. No. I lied. I have new testament. I get out at 11:30 AND to top that off I don't even really have to go to class Thursday just take one final. Hee hee hee.!!! I have to pack pack pack Thurs and Friday at around 6 my fambily will be here to get me! We leave Saturday bright and early. Well maybe not early. But bright!!!!
That is my future, and I'm looking forward to it. Here's what's been happening.
That oscar thing I talked about that Monday wasn't too bad. The chicken was really good and I ate way too much dessert. mmmmmm
Tuesday.....uhhh I did some stuff.....oh my friend Marisa and I started coloring these geometric patterns instead of paying strict attention in ear training and's really fun. I've done like four so far.....keeps me entertained. That might have been the day I went over to her house and watched Martian child and colored. It was fun.
Wednesday.....I know I rehearsed with Aunt Pam one of these days......I practiced a lot.....ate cheese.......or not, don't remember.....uhm...I don't know but I'm sure I did important things anyway.
Thursday was my symphony band concert and my pops came up to see it. It was great. He got here at around 3, I think. He went to see Lynn while I practiced ear training, then we went to the Watkins, Aunt Pam and I performed for him, and they gave us dinner. And it was really good too. Like barbecue pork and homemade bread mmmmmm The concert went really well, and then I went on a walk with my pops to the temple. It was kinda weird walking around campus with him, kinda like giving someone a tour of my life.
Friday I did the math of my practice hours and realized that I needed 8 more hours to get an A for flute lessons, so I devised a practice plan to make it so, though I couldn't do any more that day because of white glove clean checks. Nyssa and I cleaned the kitchen. I spent about two hours cleaning out our fridge. Kinda gross, but the results are satisfying.
Saturday was conference, and just about every minute I didn't spend watching conference I spent doing homework and practicing. I also went to the Watkins and rehearsed. Conference was really good too by the way.
Sunday kinda just felt like an extension of Saturday because I spent the time I wasn't watching conference doing homework and practicing. I snuck into the snow and did it even though technically we're not supposed to. I stayed up 'til like 1:30 finishing my woodwind methods binder. I got really crazy, but it was fun.
MONDAY!!! 9:20 right after my woodwind methods final. But it went really well even though Bro. Holman made me play thirds which I wasn't expecting. I ran around with Marisa all day, and in University band we watched our concert which caused me to buy a cd of it.....uhm and tomorrow I have an ear training test and a dance final. Wish me luck!
I'm really tired from lack of sleep so I'm gonna go to bed now. Bye.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The only person I ever date is a fictional character. But man he's hot!!!
I am a Sarah split in two. Cleanly and neatly, not the messy way it's sometimes done. It sucks. I wish I could just make up my mind. I really really want to come home but I also really really really really don't want to come home and work. Boo! If I could be up here without school perhaps I would do it. I don't know. I also really want to see my family and friends so there's that. All I really know is I am done with school. Well I want to be, I still have the worst 2 weeks of school left. And my brain is shutting off. It needs a break.
At least all the drama with accompanists is over. I hope. Here's the official crazy story of it. First Morgan said she could do it, but then halfway through the semester she couldn't anymore. Then I asked lady who everyone said could definitely do it, but she couldn't. Then I asked Laura's accompanist and she couldn't. Plus I e-mailed about a billion people who never got back to me. (Cuz I hate calling people. Yes I'm stupid I know) Then one of Carrie's friend said she could do it, and she was legit, like a piano major and all that. But then her uncle died and so she couldn't anymore. And I totally don't blame her. These things happen. So it was a week before juries and I didn't have an accompanist. So I called my Aunt Pam, and she said she could do it, but I feel bad for asking so much of her in just a week. I'll have do something really nice. Sigh. Drama drama. I hate it. And there wasn't even a boy involved.
In other news, its really really snowy outside. Walking to church, it was a little cloudy and really windy, but fine, and when we left it was a freakin' blizzard!!!! Powdery nasty stuff flying everywhere! And we had a dinner with our FHE group which was really fun. We had hawaiian haystacks with african curry. it was really good. Plus one of my FHE brothers made monkey bread and even though I was really really full I still had some. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Oh, and yesterday, our band had a West side story party and
also a cook-out because we're playing songs from West side story in our concert. So Nyssa and I made fruit pizza. Only I bought pre made sugar cookie dough and they made better cookies than a pie, so we just put some fruit on all of the cookies and make them into a caterpillar named Larry. And he won me a $15 gift certificate to the bookstore. Boo ya!
I was going to go to the Watkins this evening but I din't on account of the freak blizard we had. I'll have to go over there tomorrow. I have to rehearse anyway. But tomorrow is also the closing social for our ward. It's formal or sunday best (Oscar night themed) so I'm going to wear my prom dress (the pink one) and one of my roomies might wear the white one. I'm kinda excited to have an excuse to wear my prom dress! I'm sure I'll tell you all about it later. So, as Emily says, peace and recycle.
At least all the drama with accompanists is over. I hope. Here's the official crazy story of it. First Morgan said she could do it, but then halfway through the semester she couldn't anymore. Then I asked lady who everyone said could definitely do it, but she couldn't. Then I asked Laura's accompanist and she couldn't. Plus I e-mailed about a billion people who never got back to me. (Cuz I hate calling people. Yes I'm stupid I know) Then one of Carrie's friend said she could do it, and she was legit, like a piano major and all that. But then her uncle died and so she couldn't anymore. And I totally don't blame her. These things happen. So it was a week before juries and I didn't have an accompanist. So I called my Aunt Pam, and she said she could do it, but I feel bad for asking so much of her in just a week. I'll have do something really nice. Sigh. Drama drama. I hate it. And there wasn't even a boy involved.
In other news, its really really snowy outside. Walking to church, it was a little cloudy and really windy, but fine, and when we left it was a freakin' blizzard!!!! Powdery nasty stuff flying everywhere! And we had a dinner with our FHE group which was really fun. We had hawaiian haystacks with african curry. it was really good. Plus one of my FHE brothers made monkey bread and even though I was really really full I still had some. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Oh, and yesterday, our band had a West side story party and
I was going to go to the Watkins this evening but I din't on account of the freak blizard we had. I'll have to go over there tomorrow. I have to rehearse anyway. But tomorrow is also the closing social for our ward. It's formal or sunday best (Oscar night themed) so I'm going to wear my prom dress (the pink one) and one of my roomies might wear the white one. I'm kinda excited to have an excuse to wear my prom dress! I'm sure I'll tell you all about it later. So, as Emily says, peace and recycle.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Quickie. For my mother.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
We'll never survive!....Nonsense, you're only saying that because no one ever has!
Hi. How are you? I'm good. I'm tired. I am tired of school. Tttttiiirrred. I'm getting burnt out. I just want it all to be over with. Siiiigh. I really do. But I'm also going to miss all my friends up here. My roomies, my flute friends, all of them. It's an evil circle. When I'm here I want to go home, when I'm home, I want to be here. Sssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhh.
I still haven't found an accompanist...I've asked like three people but none of them have been very comittal. I'm just gonna have to grit my teeth and get someone. Blah.
In other news Amanda came up on Thursday, it was pretty fun. She came up to get her cap and gown and generally do things that need doing before graduation. But she took me to lunch at Craigos and then to dinner at Taco Bell. Mmm that's healthy living for ya. That evening I had a flute choir concert, we played Petite Suite by Debussy. But there was hardly anyone at the concert. Then that evening I found out my frind Chris got his mission call so we all went over to see him open it. He's going to the Everett Washington leaving at the end of June. I'm so excited for him!
Friday....mmmm....what happened Friday? Uhhhhhh all I remember is Friday evening Nyssa and I watched Iron Man and then did DDR 'til like midnight. It was pretty fun. Oh, and we had a RS enrishment activity that night. It was really good. Since Nyssa's the enrichment conselor she planned and did a lot of work on it. She did real well.
Saturday I had a make-up flute lesson at nine, then trombone sectionals, then a concert at 3:00. The flute choir played, and then I played Telemann fantasie #3 in b minor. If I can figure it out I'l see if I can put the video of me playing up here. Or down below whatever. :P After that, Carrie Saral Felix and I went to the DI to get ties for our university band concert, then messed around looking at all the ridiculous things they have for sale there. I got BYU mens choir CD for $1.00
it was awesome! After that we ended up picking up Amber and her sister and going to Wingers. It was really yummy but too expensive. Then I came home and did homework like a responsible little girl.
Today is Sunday, we're watching the Princess Bride hence the random quote at the top. Hopefully I get all the Sunday things done I want to get done.
K bye.
I still haven't found an accompanist...I've asked like three people but none of them have been very comittal. I'm just gonna have to grit my teeth and get someone. Blah.
In other news Amanda came up on Thursday, it was pretty fun. She came up to get her cap and gown and generally do things that need doing before graduation. But she took me to lunch at Craigos and then to dinner at Taco Bell. Mmm that's healthy living for ya. That evening I had a flute choir concert, we played Petite Suite by Debussy. But there was hardly anyone at the concert. Then that evening I found out my frind Chris got his mission call so we all went over to see him open it. He's going to the Everett Washington leaving at the end of June. I'm so excited for him!
Friday....mmmm....what happened Friday? Uhhhhhh all I remember is Friday evening Nyssa and I watched Iron Man and then did DDR 'til like midnight. It was pretty fun. Oh, and we had a RS enrishment activity that night. It was really good. Since Nyssa's the enrichment conselor she planned and did a lot of work on it. She did real well.
Saturday I had a make-up flute lesson at nine, then trombone sectionals, then a concert at 3:00. The flute choir played, and then I played Telemann fantasie #3 in b minor. If I can figure it out I'l see if I can put the video of me playing up here. Or down below whatever. :P After that, Carrie Saral Felix and I went to the DI to get ties for our university band concert, then messed around looking at all the ridiculous things they have for sale there. I got BYU mens choir CD for $1.00
it was awesome! After that we ended up picking up Amber and her sister and going to Wingers. It was really yummy but too expensive. Then I came home and did homework like a responsible little girl.
Today is Sunday, we're watching the Princess Bride hence the random quote at the top. Hopefully I get all the Sunday things done I want to get done.
K bye.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
So much to say!! And so little time to say it....ha ha actually not really.
So it's been quite awhile since I've updated this, sorry. Man life just seems to be happening around me and I kind of just sit and watch it pass by trying to do as much as a can with what I have. It's kind of frustrating. Uhhhhh ok.
What happened? WELL I don't really remember what happened all last week....bad memory. I know that I tried to find and accompanist all week and failed. That was a bummer. I'm still looking too but I'm hoping I've found someone (lets cross our fingers folks!). Other than that I don't think anything of real importance happened until the weekend.
On Friday Cali and Mckell came up to see me, which I didn't know they were going to do. Ha ha it was really really fun but since they didn't tell me they were coming I didn't have anything planned for us to do like I did last
time. So the first hour and a half they were there they hung out in the fishbowl while I practiced my flute. Then we went to dinner at Jack in the Box and went to Opera Scenes which Emily was in. I really enjoyed it (even though it was 2.5 hours long) but I'm thinking Cali wanted to strangle someone by the end. She doesn't sit through things very well. But Emily did really well even though she had to kiss a fat married man. :P
On Saturday I went to the temple with Nyssa at 7 am and Mckell and Cali just slept through it. Cali let me take her car so we didn't have to walk which was nice. Then I went to trombone sectionals, got home by eleven. I didn't do any of the things I wanted to do, homework, practicing etc because Cali and Mckell were up here but that's ok. We did have pi day with my friends (on accoiunt of it WAS pi day 3/14 :P) in the snow elevator which was fun. Lots and lots of pi.....uh pie. Then I made them sit through a trombone masterclass by this really awesome trombone player. He really knew how to play a trombone, it was really cool although I'm not sure my friends liked it. Lots of music talk. After that we just hung out at home, played games ordered pizza and battled vampires on facebook. It was really fun.

Sunday it was stake conference so we had to be there super early. Plus Nyssa and I were in the choir so we had to be there an hour earlier than super early. It was intense. After church we had dinner and then went to the park and took pictures of each other. I'm gonna put some down in here 'cuz they're really funny. Also if you want to see them all, look on facebook they're all there along with the rest of my life practically. It was sad to see them go.
One thing I didn't really convey through the whole weekend was the overwhelming exhaustion I felt the whole time. On Friday I stayed up 'til like two thirty with Cali and Mckell then went to the temple at seven, and I don't operate very well 4.5 hours of sleep. Then Sunday the same thing happened practically. So I was having fun through a haze of exhaustion, which caused me to sleep through a good third of stake conference probably. Oops. But it was totally worth it.
This week has been pretty good although I've been stressing a lot about finding an accompanist. I have a flute choir concert tonight, and another one on Friday along with a studio recital for flute. Our band concert is on Wednesday, (eek!) and scale juries are on Thursday. (double eek!) So it's gonna be busy. But that's the way I like it.
This is Sarah Jensen saying over and out! 'til the next time I get some time to write this!
What happened? WELL I don't really remember what happened all last week....bad memory. I know that I tried to find and accompanist all week and failed. That was a bummer. I'm still looking too but I'm hoping I've found someone (lets cross our fingers folks!). Other than that I don't think anything of real importance happened until the weekend.
On Friday Cali and Mckell came up to see me, which I didn't know they were going to do. Ha ha it was really really fun but since they didn't tell me they were coming I didn't have anything planned for us to do like I did last
On Saturday I went to the temple with Nyssa at 7 am and Mckell and Cali just slept through it. Cali let me take her car so we didn't have to walk which was nice. Then I went to trombone sectionals, got home by eleven. I didn't do any of the things I wanted to do, homework, practicing etc because Cali and Mckell were up here but that's ok. We did have pi day with my friends (on accoiunt of it WAS pi day 3/14 :P) in the snow elevator which was fun. Lots and lots of pi.....uh pie. Then I made them sit through a trombone masterclass by this really awesome trombone player. He really knew how to play a trombone, it was really cool although I'm not sure my friends liked it. Lots of music talk. After that we just hung out at home, played games ordered pizza and battled vampires on facebook. It was really fun.
Sunday it was stake conference so we had to be there super early. Plus Nyssa and I were in the choir so we had to be there an hour earlier than super early. It was intense. After church we had dinner and then went to the park and took pictures of each other. I'm gonna put some down in here 'cuz they're really funny. Also if you want to see them all, look on facebook they're all there along with the rest of my life practically. It was sad to see them go.
One thing I didn't really convey through the whole weekend was the overwhelming exhaustion I felt the whole time. On Friday I stayed up 'til like two thirty with Cali and Mckell then went to the temple at seven, and I don't operate very well 4.5 hours of sleep. Then Sunday the same thing happened practically. So I was having fun through a haze of exhaustion, which caused me to sleep through a good third of stake conference probably. Oops. But it was totally worth it.
This is Sarah Jensen saying over and out! 'til the next time I get some time to write this!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
...............................I like dots..........................
Daylight savings time......are we actually saving daylight? Does it need to be saved? I don't think so. All I know is I get less sleep. And that sucks. 'cuz I'm tired. My life seems to be a never ending cycle of me waking up too early and getting to bed too late. So I'm constantly tired. Or wired. Heh heh heh.
So...................................blah. This week was pretty blah. Umm on Thursday I went to this stupid dance thing for my dance was dumb. Pretty much there were about twice as many girls as guys there, so they lined us up on the stage like sheep and then the guys just went through the line and asked us to dance so we could work on the skillz we learned in class. But there were so many girls we only danced like half of the time. Plus I really didn't know anyone so I kinda just sat there by myself a lot of the time. Good times, good times.
Friday was a bit better I guess. I went to the symphony orchestra concert. They did a catholic requiem with the men and women's choir. It was by Durafley (Not sure if it's spelled right) who is pretty 20th century....but it was still really really good. Then they did a voilin concerto and Dvorak's symphony #8. They were both excellent. I've noticed lately that my taste in music has matured somewhat. When I was in High School, or even when I was a freshman here, I would have been bored silly at a concert like that. But now I really enjoyed it. After the concert me and some of my friends had pizza in the snow elevator again but we wer kicked out because they had to move a bunch of things to the basement. So we moved to the fishbowl and stayed there 'til like midnight. Good fun.
Saturday I mostly did homework (yay!!) which mostly consisted of practicing my flute and bassoon and trombone. (on a completely random tangent: bassoon. is there just an oon? not just a bass oon? How about a alto-oon? tenor-oon? I want to learn one of those!!) And also practicing for my ear training test on Tuesday. Oh how I loathe those tests!! I long for the day when I will be free of them forever! And this is my last semester I have to take those classes so that's pretty exciting!!
In the afternoon I went to a senior recital for one of my fellow flute majors. She did a really good job. One of the songs she did was called Zoom Tube by Ian Clarke who is a 20th century composer. (And generally 20th century means weird. :) ) And this was no exception. Parts of it were like beat boxing into the flute, and there was lots of harmonics and singing while playing. It was intense.
After that I went to Great Harvest with my flute friends and then went to Extravadance at 7:30 which is kind of like a dance recital. Compare it to a band concert for dancers. It was really really good though. One of my FHE sisters is a dance major, so that's why I went. But also because I really liked it. If I could do my life over again, I would want to see if I could become a dancer.
So there you have it. Today is Sunday, the one day of the week I can actually relax. And now it's almost over. I went to choir practice again, but I didn't sing any of the screaming high notes this time so I hope I don't get a really sore throat this week like I did last week.
Toodles! DFTBA!
So...................................blah. This week was pretty blah. Umm on Thursday I went to this stupid dance thing for my dance was dumb. Pretty much there were about twice as many girls as guys there, so they lined us up on the stage like sheep and then the guys just went through the line and asked us to dance so we could work on the skillz we learned in class. But there were so many girls we only danced like half of the time. Plus I really didn't know anyone so I kinda just sat there by myself a lot of the time. Good times, good times.
Friday was a bit better I guess. I went to the symphony orchestra concert. They did a catholic requiem with the men and women's choir. It was by Durafley (Not sure if it's spelled right) who is pretty 20th century....but it was still really really good. Then they did a voilin concerto and Dvorak's symphony #8. They were both excellent. I've noticed lately that my taste in music has matured somewhat. When I was in High School, or even when I was a freshman here, I would have been bored silly at a concert like that. But now I really enjoyed it. After the concert me and some of my friends had pizza in the snow elevator again but we wer kicked out because they had to move a bunch of things to the basement. So we moved to the fishbowl and stayed there 'til like midnight. Good fun.
Saturday I mostly did homework (yay!!) which mostly consisted of practicing my flute and bassoon and trombone. (on a completely random tangent: bassoon. is there just an oon? not just a bass oon? How about a alto-oon? tenor-oon? I want to learn one of those!!) And also practicing for my ear training test on Tuesday. Oh how I loathe those tests!! I long for the day when I will be free of them forever! And this is my last semester I have to take those classes so that's pretty exciting!!
In the afternoon I went to a senior recital for one of my fellow flute majors. She did a really good job. One of the songs she did was called Zoom Tube by Ian Clarke who is a 20th century composer. (And generally 20th century means weird. :) ) And this was no exception. Parts of it were like beat boxing into the flute, and there was lots of harmonics and singing while playing. It was intense.
After that I went to Great Harvest with my flute friends and then went to Extravadance at 7:30 which is kind of like a dance recital. Compare it to a band concert for dancers. It was really really good though. One of my FHE sisters is a dance major, so that's why I went. But also because I really liked it. If I could do my life over again, I would want to see if I could become a dancer.
So there you have it. Today is Sunday, the one day of the week I can actually relax. And now it's almost over. I went to choir practice again, but I didn't sing any of the screaming high notes this time so I hope I don't get a really sore throat this week like I did last week.
Toodles! DFTBA!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sarah is guilty of feeding turtle food to sentient musical fish
I really am. It's a sad, sad story. Well actually a rather weird one which I will not share here on account of you thinking I'm weirder than I actually am. But the fish's name is Franklin if you wanted to know, and he's gonna help me pass ear training. :)
So, it's whats today? Monday. It's Monday. Sheesh can't even keep track of the days of the week. It's Monday. What did I do over the weekend?
Well, I went on the date with Brandon on Friday, it was fun! We went to Bajios and then tried to go bowling but it was too busy. Then we tried to go to a movie but nothing was showing. So we went to hollywood video and just rented one and watched it. We had to come to my appt though 'cuz no one was home at his. Silly honor code. Well actually I'm in favor of it, so I completely understood. It was fun though.
Then Saturday I went and saw this play that BYU-I put on called Burdens of Earth. It told the story of Joseph Smith while he was in Liberty Jail. It was really really good, very thought provoking. It makes you realize that Joseph really was human like the rest of us. He went through trials and tribulation just like we do. And look what he acomplished. It seems I can at least do my little lot in life.
SO I wrote that bit on Monday, and now it's Tuesday. And I wrote a rather long end to this blog and then the evil man in the internet ATE IT!!! I swear its true! He came up and said Sarah, if you don't let me eat it I will curse you so your socks never match again! And that would be an abomination so I HAD to do it!! Man....
Anyway, my Sunday and Monday were both real good.
was fast Sunday, but still real good. After church I had some of aforementioned hamburger the size of a plate for dinner. It was excellent. Then I went to a CES fireside and choir practice for steak conference in two weeks. I only mention this cause while I was there apparently I strained my voice attempting to sing really high notes I hadn't tried to in a long time. So now my throat is really sore and you should feel sorry for me.
The only thing really worth mentioning on Monday was for FHE we went to Craigos (pizza pasta place) on account of we got a $50 gift certificate there on account of our mad ice cream eating skillz at the ward party. And yes I know I used on account of twice in that sentence. I like it that way. It was really good. And then Emily, Nyssa and I went to DQ for ice cream to top it off. Good times. Emily and I went to the gym that evening to work of some of the pizza we ate though. It was also fun in a accomplishing sort of way.
K, today was boring. Nothing much worth mentioning I don't think. Tuesdays are my worst days of the week. Looooooong. So I'm done.
'til later folks!!
So, it's whats today? Monday. It's Monday. Sheesh can't even keep track of the days of the week. It's Monday. What did I do over the weekend?
Well, I went on the date with Brandon on Friday, it was fun! We went to Bajios and then tried to go bowling but it was too busy. Then we tried to go to a movie but nothing was showing. So we went to hollywood video and just rented one and watched it. We had to come to my appt though 'cuz no one was home at his. Silly honor code. Well actually I'm in favor of it, so I completely understood. It was fun though.
Then Saturday I went and saw this play that BYU-I put on called Burdens of Earth. It told the story of Joseph Smith while he was in Liberty Jail. It was really really good, very thought provoking. It makes you realize that Joseph really was human like the rest of us. He went through trials and tribulation just like we do. And look what he acomplished. It seems I can at least do my little lot in life.
SO I wrote that bit on Monday, and now it's Tuesday. And I wrote a rather long end to this blog and then the evil man in the internet ATE IT!!! I swear its true! He came up and said Sarah, if you don't let me eat it I will curse you so your socks never match again! And that would be an abomination so I HAD to do it!! Man....
Anyway, my Sunday and Monday were both real good.
was fast Sunday, but still real good. After church I had some of aforementioned hamburger the size of a plate for dinner. It was excellent. Then I went to a CES fireside and choir practice for steak conference in two weeks. I only mention this cause while I was there apparently I strained my voice attempting to sing really high notes I hadn't tried to in a long time. So now my throat is really sore and you should feel sorry for me.
The only thing really worth mentioning on Monday was for FHE we went to Craigos (pizza pasta place) on account of we got a $50 gift certificate there on account of our mad ice cream eating skillz at the ward party. And yes I know I used on account of twice in that sentence. I like it that way. It was really good. And then Emily, Nyssa and I went to DQ for ice cream to top it off. Good times. Emily and I went to the gym that evening to work of some of the pizza we ate though. It was also fun in a accomplishing sort of way.
K, today was boring. Nothing much worth mentioning I don't think. Tuesdays are my worst days of the week. Looooooong. So I'm done.
'til later folks!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Nothing says happy birthday like a hamburger the size of a plate..... :D
Ya. So I haven't written in a long time. Longer than I should have. And it's really late. But I thought I'd put in my two cents tonight 'cause I can.
Uhh the Sousa concert went really well, it was last Friday and now it's Thursday. Our picc solo went well although we totally rushed at the end. Hopefully the recording will come out soon and I'm totally buying it!!!
But. On to more important things. Such as the fact that today happens to be my birthday. Yay me!!! Ha ha jk I actually hate people making a big deal about my birthday because I am generally a shy person. I totally got away with it in dance AND band. No one sang to me. BUT after flute scale class (where we had our test by the way....I think I did pretty good...) umm my flute buddies totally had made me a cake and so they brought it in and sang Happy Birthday and we ate cake for like half an hour until we all had to go to other classes.
THEN this evening I went to a harp ensemble and after that Carrie said we were gonna have pizza in the elevator afterwards....and I was like ok cool. But it turns out we actually had hamburgers and bacon and salad and all the works to go with it. And they made me a hamburger the size of a plate. It was amazing! So not only did they make me a cake, but they also made hamburgers. And we had a party in the elevator. Yes, the elevator. It's actually pretty big because they use it to haul pianos and timpani's and Xlophones and stuff on and off stage so we had a pretty nice setup going on. And when people opened the door to use it, we offered them a hamburger. I'm sure many people thought we were crazy. And let's face it, we are. Sigh. I have the best friends!!
All in all it was an amazing birthday. Oh!! and I got a package from home which contained lots of really cute clothes (thanks mom!!) and a towel and some candy AND best of all.....drum roll here....a metronome! Yay! Because I had a really crappy one and now I have a really nice one that subdivides, and is also a tuner and also a pitch generator and ALSO a guitar tuner so if I ever take up guitar I'm set. Cha-ching! Now I'm excited to practice. Well sort of.
Oh, also before I went to the harp concert but after I had cake, my FHE brother brought me over another cake. It was chocolate and looked delicious so even though I'd just had flute cake I had to have a piece. It was really good. I'm going on a date with him tomorrow night. And Nyssa also made me a cake, so in all I got three cakes. Not bad for one birthday! I am now officially 20. I will never be a teenager again. And I don't know if that's sad or exciting. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Uhh the Sousa concert went really well, it was last Friday and now it's Thursday. Our picc solo went well although we totally rushed at the end. Hopefully the recording will come out soon and I'm totally buying it!!!
But. On to more important things. Such as the fact that today happens to be my birthday. Yay me!!! Ha ha jk I actually hate people making a big deal about my birthday because I am generally a shy person. I totally got away with it in dance AND band. No one sang to me. BUT after flute scale class (where we had our test by the way....I think I did pretty good...) umm my flute buddies totally had made me a cake and so they brought it in and sang Happy Birthday and we ate cake for like half an hour until we all had to go to other classes.
THEN this evening I went to a harp ensemble and after that Carrie said we were gonna have pizza in the elevator afterwards....and I was like ok cool. But it turns out we actually had hamburgers and bacon and salad and all the works to go with it. And they made me a hamburger the size of a plate. It was amazing! So not only did they make me a cake, but they also made hamburgers. And we had a party in the elevator. Yes, the elevator. It's actually pretty big because they use it to haul pianos and timpani's and Xlophones and stuff on and off stage so we had a pretty nice setup going on. And when people opened the door to use it, we offered them a hamburger. I'm sure many people thought we were crazy. And let's face it, we are. Sigh. I have the best friends!!
All in all it was an amazing birthday. Oh!! and I got a package from home which contained lots of really cute clothes (thanks mom!!) and a towel and some candy AND best of all.....drum roll here....a metronome! Yay! Because I had a really crappy one and now I have a really nice one that subdivides, and is also a tuner and also a pitch generator and ALSO a guitar tuner so if I ever take up guitar I'm set. Cha-ching! Now I'm excited to practice. Well sort of.
Oh, also before I went to the harp concert but after I had cake, my FHE brother brought me over another cake. It was chocolate and looked delicious so even though I'd just had flute cake I had to have a piece. It was really good. I'm going on a date with him tomorrow night. And Nyssa also made me a cake, so in all I got three cakes. Not bad for one birthday! I am now officially 20. I will never be a teenager again. And I don't know if that's sad or exciting. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Life. The Universe. EVERYTHING. I don't think 42 is the answer.
Man life can be so crazy sometimes. That's all I really have to say. Pretty much this whole week I've been living through a drug induced haze on account of all the cold medicine I was taking on account of me having a cold. So I've kind of gotten used to it helping me get to sleep. And now I can't take it anymore 'cause I'm not sick. Shoot. So I'm sitting here writing instead.
Well my both of my ear training test went very well thanks for asking! (I'm going to assume you asked even though you're a nonexistent person. Ooh!! I must be writing to Edward Cullen. Yes!! And I'm not even apologizing.) Although I did run out of time at the end so I had to guess random chords on the chord identification part of the written test. Oh well. I guess we'll see what I got on Tuesday...eek. Also it was ok that I skipped dance class 'cause all we did was start leaning cha cha which I already know 'cuz I learned it in High School. This dance class? Pwnd. Oh ya.
Tomorrow is a big day for me! Its the symphony band concert. I'm really excited! Me and the other flutes (there are 4 of us) are going to play the picc solo in stars and stripes forever. Like we stand up and walk to the front. I'm kind of nervous. But not too bad. I feel kind of cheated sometimes becase instrumental concerts NEVER get near as many people attending as choir concerts do. And we put in the same amount of work. Which is a lot. It's just one of those injustices of life on account of the instrument I chose. At least I'm not a string player. (Sorry string players!!) It's harsh but true.
My life is awesome. I love it. Just the way I would have it I think. Well as long as I get all my homework and practicing done that is. And it's great knowing that.
Well my both of my ear training test went very well thanks for asking! (I'm going to assume you asked even though you're a nonexistent person. Ooh!! I must be writing to Edward Cullen. Yes!! And I'm not even apologizing.) Although I did run out of time at the end so I had to guess random chords on the chord identification part of the written test. Oh well. I guess we'll see what I got on Tuesday...eek. Also it was ok that I skipped dance class 'cause all we did was start leaning cha cha which I already know 'cuz I learned it in High School. This dance class? Pwnd. Oh ya.
Tomorrow is a big day for me! Its the symphony band concert. I'm really excited! Me and the other flutes (there are 4 of us) are going to play the picc solo in stars and stripes forever. Like we stand up and walk to the front. I'm kind of nervous. But not too bad. I feel kind of cheated sometimes becase instrumental concerts NEVER get near as many people attending as choir concerts do. And we put in the same amount of work. Which is a lot. It's just one of those injustices of life on account of the instrument I chose. At least I'm not a string player. (Sorry string players!!) It's harsh but true.
My life is awesome. I love it. Just the way I would have it I think. Well as long as I get all my homework and practicing done that is. And it's great knowing that.
Monday, February 16, 2009
I'm sick. And tired. But I had a great weekend!!
Sooooooo. I meant to write while I was home but didn't make time. Actually I just forgot. So now I'm back in Idaho. But I had a really good time while I was home. Except that either my sister or m mother gave me the cold I currently have, so I feel like there is something unpleasant stuffing up my head and my throat really hurts. But I'll be ok as long as I'm able to sing tomorrow. I have one of those incredibly stupid ear training singing tests tomorrow. Eww.
But enough of that. On to the weekend! Morgan and I decided to skip band and leave right after our New Testament class, so we did and were on the road at like 1:15. A former FHE bro Forrest (something something) also came to get a ride to Provo. I got home like around four and no one was even home. That kind of sucked but Amber and Rena came home in like 15 mins.
So that evening I went on a blind-ish date with Cali. Well me and Cali and we both had dates. Hee hee :) She went with Jake and she set me up with this Guy named Alex (who oddly enough has a stepmom who used to be the evil vice principle at our intermediate school. But that has nothing to do with anything.) It was really really fun! Both Alex and Jake are military; Jake army and Alex, air force I think but I could be wrong. We went to pizza hut then went bowling where Alex taught me to bowl better and I improved my previous score of 54 by 20 points. W00t! Then we came home and played idiot then watched Meet the Robinsons where I had a very pleasant time cuddling with him on the couch. I only say that because this is the first opportunity I've had to do that with a boy. Don't laugh at me. I got his number and hopefully we'll keep in touch.
Saturday I went shopping with my mother, which was pretty fun, and we tried unsuccessfully to find me a pair of boots. Then I went to work with my sister and that was pretty ok. We got back late though. Mmm chicken! Oh and I also went on a walk with my dad. It was fun although when we walked through the tennis courts it was really hard on account of the 7 inches of snow we had received that day.
Sunday was fun, although it started at 9 freakin' am. Church here starts at 1:30 so needles to say I had a hard time staying awake. Also Relief Society was a bummer 'cause my mother was up in the nursery so I had no one to sit with. After church Amber and I made Bolognese (which I think is spelled right) which is basically a really really yummy kind of spaghetti sauce. It has like 4 different types of meat, and carrots and celery and onions and two whole cups of cream. It's like eating a heart attack but it's really really good. Oh and we also had asparagus and broccoli and oatmeal scones if you care. I went on another walk with dad, and then fell asleep on the couch again.
I woke up feeling really crappy but I still had to do all the homework I didn't do over the weekend. So I practiced my flute and clarinet and also did some ear training. Then Cali came over and made out with Jake on our front porch. Ha ha. Jk (but not really) We went over to her house and played Kingdom Hearts until Morgan came and we drove back to Idaho. Yay! Although we accidentally missed one of the turns and lost like 20 minutes. That's what happens when neither of us know where we're going very well.
So that's that. When we got home we had FHE and played battle of the sexes. It was pretty fun. I would have gone and practiced but they locked the snow building so I can't get in. So I've taken something that will hopefully knock me out, and I'm going to go to bed now 'cause I'm really really tired. I'll be at the snow by 6:30 and if I'm not ready by my first class at 7:45 I'll skip my dance class. I can afford to miss one. It's a dance class. Ok bye
But enough of that. On to the weekend! Morgan and I decided to skip band and leave right after our New Testament class, so we did and were on the road at like 1:15. A former FHE bro Forrest (something something) also came to get a ride to Provo. I got home like around four and no one was even home. That kind of sucked but Amber and Rena came home in like 15 mins.
So that evening I went on a blind-ish date with Cali. Well me and Cali and we both had dates. Hee hee :) She went with Jake and she set me up with this Guy named Alex (who oddly enough has a stepmom who used to be the evil vice principle at our intermediate school. But that has nothing to do with anything.) It was really really fun! Both Alex and Jake are military; Jake army and Alex, air force I think but I could be wrong. We went to pizza hut then went bowling where Alex taught me to bowl better and I improved my previous score of 54 by 20 points. W00t! Then we came home and played idiot then watched Meet the Robinsons where I had a very pleasant time cuddling with him on the couch. I only say that because this is the first opportunity I've had to do that with a boy. Don't laugh at me. I got his number and hopefully we'll keep in touch.
Saturday I went shopping with my mother, which was pretty fun, and we tried unsuccessfully to find me a pair of boots. Then I went to work with my sister and that was pretty ok. We got back late though. Mmm chicken! Oh and I also went on a walk with my dad. It was fun although when we walked through the tennis courts it was really hard on account of the 7 inches of snow we had received that day.
Sunday was fun, although it started at 9 freakin' am. Church here starts at 1:30 so needles to say I had a hard time staying awake. Also Relief Society was a bummer 'cause my mother was up in the nursery so I had no one to sit with. After church Amber and I made Bolognese (which I think is spelled right) which is basically a really really yummy kind of spaghetti sauce. It has like 4 different types of meat, and carrots and celery and onions and two whole cups of cream. It's like eating a heart attack but it's really really good. Oh and we also had asparagus and broccoli and oatmeal scones if you care. I went on another walk with dad, and then fell asleep on the couch again.
I woke up feeling really crappy but I still had to do all the homework I didn't do over the weekend. So I practiced my flute and clarinet and also did some ear training. Then Cali came over and made out with Jake on our front porch. Ha ha. Jk (but not really) We went over to her house and played Kingdom Hearts until Morgan came and we drove back to Idaho. Yay! Although we accidentally missed one of the turns and lost like 20 minutes. That's what happens when neither of us know where we're going very well.
So that's that. When we got home we had FHE and played battle of the sexes. It was pretty fun. I would have gone and practiced but they locked the snow building so I can't get in. So I've taken something that will hopefully knock me out, and I'm going to go to bed now 'cause I'm really really tired. I'll be at the snow by 6:30 and if I'm not ready by my first class at 7:45 I'll skip my dance class. I can afford to miss one. It's a dance class. Ok bye
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Life is like polychords. Really really weird. And confusing. And hard to analyze. Ya.
I have an eyeball headache. Like, I guess it's not really my eyeballs but the sinuses that are around where my eyeballs are are tense or something.....I don't know. They just hurt. It's 'cause I spend too much time on the computer and also I need to take my contacts out. I'll go do that now. brb...............ok I'm back! (yes I know I'm weird) Much more better!
I like Wednesdays. They're pretty laid back as long as I get all my practicing in. Today my New Testament class was canceled (which is sad but also happy 'cause I had a free hour) and I got my two hours practicing in before band at two. Yes! But going for two hours straight is something I can rarely do. I don't recommend it. By the end my brain is pretty much mush and I don't know how much good I'm doing. But today was a really good day and I got a lot done. I'm playing a French piece by Taffanel that's really really pretty. I'm excited.
Oh, on Monday for FHE we had a jungle themed ward party. It was pretty fun. It set FHE groups against each other, as we competed in intense contests such as which group could eat a bucket of ice cream first (May it be noted that our FHE group was the only one to finish the bucket. And it only took us like 5 mins. We can put away ice cream!) or win a relay race or draw a pic of a care bear and a lion and a pogo stick. Oh man. This is us in our jungle attire.

So that's pretty much all I have to say I think. Except that I am so excited for the weekend! I'm going to be going home to see my family and my bestie! I will have to work....but at least I'll be home!! And working really isn't that bad. So next blog will probably be from home yay! 'Til then!
I like Wednesdays. They're pretty laid back as long as I get all my practicing in. Today my New Testament class was canceled (which is sad but also happy 'cause I had a free hour) and I got my two hours practicing in before band at two. Yes! But going for two hours straight is something I can rarely do. I don't recommend it. By the end my brain is pretty much mush and I don't know how much good I'm doing. But today was a really good day and I got a lot done. I'm playing a French piece by Taffanel that's really really pretty. I'm excited.
Oh, on Monday for FHE we had a jungle themed ward party. It was pretty fun. It set FHE groups against each other, as we competed in intense contests such as which group could eat a bucket of ice cream first (May it be noted that our FHE group was the only one to finish the bucket. And it only took us like 5 mins. We can put away ice cream!) or win a relay race or draw a pic of a care bear and a lion and a pogo stick. Oh man. This is us in our jungle attire.

So that's pretty much all I have to say I think. Except that I am so excited for the weekend! I'm going to be going home to see my family and my bestie! I will have to work....but at least I'll be home!! And working really isn't that bad. So next blog will probably be from home yay! 'Til then!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I am addicted to mike n' ikes
I really am. It's kind of sad actually, but I love them! Currently I am trying to stop eating them, but they are just staring at me from the box saying EAT ME!!!! Sarah we love you!! And how can I say no to something like that? I used to pull them out one by and and decide if that one was a Mike or an Ike. The Ikes always tasted better. :P
So, this weekend was really fun although it was kind of expensive. Saturday I went to Idaho Falls with Morgan, Nyssa and one of our FHE brothers named Brandon. We went to the IF temple which was really fun even though since we were walk-ins we joined with another ward that was scheduled at the time we showed up. The only problem with that was that since Brandon was endowed they recruited him to be one of the ones confirming so we had to wait like 45 minutes 'til the whole ward was done. But I'm not complaining, I like sitting in the temple, and the nice temple lady turned on Johnny Lingo for us to watch.
After that we went to lunch (taco bell, yum!) and then to the mall for shopping. I ended up buying a cute pink sweater from Old Navy and a new camisole (is that how you spell it? I have no idea...the spell check thing didn't underline it, so I'm going with it..) from Downeast.
After that we ended up going to winco which is apparently a store that sells bulk groceries for really cheap. And also some things that are not bulk also really cheap. So I ended up buying like 12 cup o' noodles for like three dollars which is a really good deal. It makes me feel really fat but I will totally eat them all throughout the semester, which goes to show that one, I need better eating habits, but two, I just don't have the time to have one on account of my being a music major. So ya. Oh and I also got seven kiwis for a dollar. Dangit I was going to eat one tonight...on well to late now!
My Sunday was really good too except that the lecture hall where we have sacrament meeting was really really warm so I couldn't keep my eyes open. This is a strange phenomenon to me. How come, on Sundays when I sleep in to an absurdly late time do I always get tired? I definately got enough sleep! Whatever......After church I went to a stake relief society fireside with Nyssa which was really good but a little too long. I was starting to get a little antsy at the end and my butt was getting sore. But they had lemon bars for refreshments so I forgave them. I love lemon bars! Last thing, our ward elders quorum presidency came over this evening and when they noticed the large amount of ice located on our doorstep that just about causes us to fall and break our legs every time we go outside, they decided to get rid of it for us. So we gave them hot chocolate. It was fun.
Ok I'm pretty much done. I can't wait for next weekend because I'm going home!! Yay! And Cali is setting up a date thing on Friday so I'll finally get some action...ha ha just kidding! Only problem is I have a ear training mid term on the Tuesday I get back (a singing one too, which means I have to sing a stupid song for him, in front of the whole class, using the stupid hand signs and everything.) So I'll pretty much be spending Monday in front of our piano. Oh well. At least I'll be home. (And most likely bugging my sisters. :P)
Ok really done now! Hopefully I'll write more before Friday! I'll do my best to find some time....
So, this weekend was really fun although it was kind of expensive. Saturday I went to Idaho Falls with Morgan, Nyssa and one of our FHE brothers named Brandon. We went to the IF temple which was really fun even though since we were walk-ins we joined with another ward that was scheduled at the time we showed up. The only problem with that was that since Brandon was endowed they recruited him to be one of the ones confirming so we had to wait like 45 minutes 'til the whole ward was done. But I'm not complaining, I like sitting in the temple, and the nice temple lady turned on Johnny Lingo for us to watch.
After that we went to lunch (taco bell, yum!) and then to the mall for shopping. I ended up buying a cute pink sweater from Old Navy and a new camisole (is that how you spell it? I have no idea...the spell check thing didn't underline it, so I'm going with it..) from Downeast.
After that we ended up going to winco which is apparently a store that sells bulk groceries for really cheap. And also some things that are not bulk also really cheap. So I ended up buying like 12 cup o' noodles for like three dollars which is a really good deal. It makes me feel really fat but I will totally eat them all throughout the semester, which goes to show that one, I need better eating habits, but two, I just don't have the time to have one on account of my being a music major. So ya. Oh and I also got seven kiwis for a dollar. Dangit I was going to eat one tonight...on well to late now!
My Sunday was really good too except that the lecture hall where we have sacrament meeting was really really warm so I couldn't keep my eyes open. This is a strange phenomenon to me. How come, on Sundays when I sleep in to an absurdly late time do I always get tired? I definately got enough sleep! Whatever......After church I went to a stake relief society fireside with Nyssa which was really good but a little too long. I was starting to get a little antsy at the end and my butt was getting sore. But they had lemon bars for refreshments so I forgave them. I love lemon bars! Last thing, our ward elders quorum presidency came over this evening and when they noticed the large amount of ice located on our doorstep that just about causes us to fall and break our legs every time we go outside, they decided to get rid of it for us. So we gave them hot chocolate. It was fun.
Ok I'm pretty much done. I can't wait for next weekend because I'm going home!! Yay! And Cali is setting up a date thing on Friday so I'll finally get some action...ha ha just kidding! Only problem is I have a ear training mid term on the Tuesday I get back (a singing one too, which means I have to sing a stupid song for him, in front of the whole class, using the stupid hand signs and everything.) So I'll pretty much be spending Monday in front of our piano. Oh well. At least I'll be home. (And most likely bugging my sisters. :P)
Ok really done now! Hopefully I'll write more before Friday! I'll do my best to find some time....
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I am way to enthusiastic for how late it is
Ha ha just kidding. Man it seems the only time I'm going to be able to update this thing is when either late at night, or on Sundays. And I can't even say it's because I'm a music major and too freaking busy (which is true enough) but Emily updates her blog more than me, and I daresay she's busier than me at times. Sigh priorities priorities.
Man. Ok Let's update! Monday!
....was a pretty normal Monday I think. Except I didn't have flute lessons so I was done an hour early. FHE was fun, we went ice skating and then had cake 'cause it was like four people's birthday all about the same time. It was great. There are pictures up on facebook if you care at all.
.....was not that normal actually. No flute choir 'cause Sister McCabe was still out of action. Apparently after getting her tonsils out, she got a really bad flu. But hopefully she'll be back for my lesson on Monday! Cross your fingers! I totally did something else and I can't even remember what it was.....dangit!
Oh! I remember! I went with my friend Cassie (the one who moved to Montana and then Colorado....we were besties all throughout elementary school ya that one) to watch a British movie. It was called "The Gods Must Be Crazy" and was really weird. I kind of liked it except that one of the main characters was an African guy who mainly only wore a loin cloth that did not do a very good job of covering his butt most of the time.
Was normal pretty much except instead of doing my last hour of practicing I went over to our FHE brothers' house with my roomies and we watched Nacho Libre (again) and ate nachos and brownies which Nyssa decorated with a frosting luchador mask. It was amazing and I must say it is much more entertaining to watch that movie with a bunch of immature guys than with just Morgan and Nyssa and me being half asleep. So that was fun. Oh! And I also joined the ward bowling team, and attempted to bowl a good game but uhh I got a 54. I know. Pitiful. They might not want me on their team. I'm gonna put some pictures of that up later if I remember.
Man I'm tired I can't even remember what happened yesterday....oh ya. Ok. Thursday was normal pretty much. Me, Carrie, Amber, and Marissa (my flute major buddies) all walked down to Madison middle school to observe the band. I brought my clarinet and had to play with them. It's a very humbling experience to have a 12 year old play the clarinet way better than you. They kind of laughed at me. But I learned a lot. Then we had to walk home on account of us walking there in the first place on account of us not having access to a car. It's quite the walk, took us like half an hour probably which made me almost late for symphony band flute sectionals.
Hey that's today! Well, it was today about an hour ago anyway. Today was a good day. We played lots in ww methods, and in band I played the trombone better than I ever have probably. When I got home at six, Nyssa had a girl she tutors over to make pizza. She's from Korea and still working on her English which is why she was being tutored. Her name was Mijoo (or something like that) and really really fun. I showed her the candy Rena gave me for Christmas (the mushroom one) and she said that they have the exact same thing in Korea, and they call it the same thing (albeit the Korean version.) cool huh? Then I went over to Cassie's and watched the devil wears prada and ate junk food with her and some of her old roomies. It was so much fun. We actually talked about me somehow being able to come visit her in Colorado over the summer sometime. It would be awesome!
And now I'm home writing this. So ya. That was my week kind of in a nutshell. But now I'm tired and going to bed. Night all!
Man. Ok Let's update! Monday!
....was a pretty normal Monday I think. Except I didn't have flute lessons so I was done an hour early. FHE was fun, we went ice skating and then had cake 'cause it was like four people's birthday all about the same time. It was great. There are pictures up on facebook if you care at all.
.....was not that normal actually. No flute choir 'cause Sister McCabe was still out of action. Apparently after getting her tonsils out, she got a really bad flu. But hopefully she'll be back for my lesson on Monday! Cross your fingers! I totally did something else and I can't even remember what it was.....dangit!
Oh! I remember! I went with my friend Cassie (the one who moved to Montana and then Colorado....we were besties all throughout elementary school ya that one) to watch a British movie. It was called "The Gods Must Be Crazy" and was really weird. I kind of liked it except that one of the main characters was an African guy who mainly only wore a loin cloth that did not do a very good job of covering his butt most of the time.
Was normal pretty much except instead of doing my last hour of practicing I went over to our FHE brothers' house with my roomies and we watched Nacho Libre (again) and ate nachos and brownies which Nyssa decorated with a frosting luchador mask. It was amazing and I must say it is much more entertaining to watch that movie with a bunch of immature guys than with just Morgan and Nyssa and me being half asleep. So that was fun. Oh! And I also joined the ward bowling team, and attempted to bowl a good game but uhh I got a 54. I know. Pitiful. They might not want me on their team. I'm gonna put some pictures of that up later if I remember.
Man I'm tired I can't even remember what happened yesterday....oh ya. Ok. Thursday was normal pretty much. Me, Carrie, Amber, and Marissa (my flute major buddies) all walked down to Madison middle school to observe the band. I brought my clarinet and had to play with them. It's a very humbling experience to have a 12 year old play the clarinet way better than you. They kind of laughed at me. But I learned a lot. Then we had to walk home on account of us walking there in the first place on account of us not having access to a car. It's quite the walk, took us like half an hour probably which made me almost late for symphony band flute sectionals.
Hey that's today! Well, it was today about an hour ago anyway. Today was a good day. We played lots in ww methods, and in band I played the trombone better than I ever have probably. When I got home at six, Nyssa had a girl she tutors over to make pizza. She's from Korea and still working on her English which is why she was being tutored. Her name was Mijoo (or something like that) and really really fun. I showed her the candy Rena gave me for Christmas (the mushroom one) and she said that they have the exact same thing in Korea, and they call it the same thing (albeit the Korean version.) cool huh? Then I went over to Cassie's and watched the devil wears prada and ate junk food with her and some of her old roomies. It was so much fun. We actually talked about me somehow being able to come visit her in Colorado over the summer sometime. It would be awesome!
And now I'm home writing this. So ya. That was my week kind of in a nutshell. But now I'm tired and going to bed. Night all!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Michael Buble has a very nice voice. mmm......
It smells like bacon in here. And I didn't even get to eat roommate and her fiance (with a cool thing on top of the e only I can't find how to put one up there......) made bacon hamburgers and so now it smells like lovely crispy bacon. And I smell like bacon too. I want some. But I'm eating an orange with is much healthier for you although it doesn't hold the satisfaction that something as greasy and fattening as bacon does...... :)
So this week was pretty good although I still live for the weekends even though I don't even get to sleep in on Saturdays anymore on account of them moving my trombone sectionals to ten in the morning instead of noon. Some would say that sleeping 'til nine IS sleeping in, and I guess it is but I hate being rushed on Saturday mornings. And trombone sectionals aren't that fun to go to early in the morning. Basically Brother Nelson just lectures us on how to play better and tells us to practice and practice and practice and why aren't we practicing? and then we spend the whole hour on like two measures.
Also on Saturday we had an enrichment activity. It was pretty fun. We had muffins and juice and played some games. Everyone brought an extra shoe and then another girl had to tell what you were like just by what shoe you brought without knowing who's shoe it was. It was excellent.
Also also on Saturday I helped my friend Carrie try to teach a vocal major to play the flute. It was quite a learning experience. Both Carrie and I had different ways we thought would best help teach the flute, so that was interesting but it worked pretty well in the end. The girl is in our woodwind methods class, and apparently vocalists have a hard time with the concept of fingering and embouchure because obviously you don't have to use either when singing. On a nerdy music rant, apparently when you play the clarinet you're not supposed to open your throat very big, instead make your mouth like when you say queen. This is a foreign concept to me 'cause on the flute the more open your throat is, the better. I'm currently learning the clarinet in ww methods and I'm kind of having a hard time with that.
Also also also on Saturday I went and saw Vocal Point with my roommate Morgan. They're an acapella group from BYU consisting of nine very good looking men (and all but like three of them were married. But the youngest one wasn't! And he was pretty cute.....:D). It was so much fun! They sang everything from Lead Kindly Light to the Inspector Gadget theme song to the 12 days of Christmas. Really really random. My kind of music. :) I got one one of the CDs for Cali for her brithday and so I have a copy of that one but I want another CD 'cause they're that awesome.
Also also also also (and I think this will be the last also.....Saturday was a busy day!) after Vocal Point Morgan, Nyssa and I watched Nacho Libre. It's a nickelodian movie about a spanish monk who wants to be a luchador. It's pretty dumb but also pretty funny. Like Napoleon Dynamite funny. But I fell asleep a couple of times because I was so tired.
So ya. That was my Saturday. Today was pretty good. We had a good lesson in RS and we had a cheezy noodle vegetable casserole for dinner. It was excellent. I'm thinking I'm going to have to make my hamburger rolls with cream cheese one of these days for a Sunday dinner. Nyssa has tarragon that she says she'll donate so thats awesome. I'm excited. Maybe I'll do it next week. So mother, if you're reading this expect a call sometime for the recipe.
Well this blog seems long enough. Wish me luck on my next week of school! It'll be somewhat easy this week because my flute teacher got her tonsils out last Thursday. Poor lady. So I won't have lessons or masterclass or scale class or OR flute choir. So that's cool. I'll have to practice extra well though to make up for it though.
Ok really done. Except I'm going to put up a picture of me and my sisters at temple square over the Christmas break. My sis Amber just posted them on facebook. This one is my favorite.
So this week was pretty good although I still live for the weekends even though I don't even get to sleep in on Saturdays anymore on account of them moving my trombone sectionals to ten in the morning instead of noon. Some would say that sleeping 'til nine IS sleeping in, and I guess it is but I hate being rushed on Saturday mornings. And trombone sectionals aren't that fun to go to early in the morning. Basically Brother Nelson just lectures us on how to play better and tells us to practice and practice and practice and why aren't we practicing? and then we spend the whole hour on like two measures.
Also on Saturday we had an enrichment activity. It was pretty fun. We had muffins and juice and played some games. Everyone brought an extra shoe and then another girl had to tell what you were like just by what shoe you brought without knowing who's shoe it was. It was excellent.
Also also on Saturday I helped my friend Carrie try to teach a vocal major to play the flute. It was quite a learning experience. Both Carrie and I had different ways we thought would best help teach the flute, so that was interesting but it worked pretty well in the end. The girl is in our woodwind methods class, and apparently vocalists have a hard time with the concept of fingering and embouchure because obviously you don't have to use either when singing. On a nerdy music rant, apparently when you play the clarinet you're not supposed to open your throat very big, instead make your mouth like when you say queen. This is a foreign concept to me 'cause on the flute the more open your throat is, the better. I'm currently learning the clarinet in ww methods and I'm kind of having a hard time with that.
Also also also on Saturday I went and saw Vocal Point with my roommate Morgan. They're an acapella group from BYU consisting of nine very good looking men (and all but like three of them were married. But the youngest one wasn't! And he was pretty cute.....:D). It was so much fun! They sang everything from Lead Kindly Light to the Inspector Gadget theme song to the 12 days of Christmas. Really really random. My kind of music. :) I got one one of the CDs for Cali for her brithday and so I have a copy of that one but I want another CD 'cause they're that awesome.
Also also also also (and I think this will be the last also.....Saturday was a busy day!) after Vocal Point Morgan, Nyssa and I watched Nacho Libre. It's a nickelodian movie about a spanish monk who wants to be a luchador. It's pretty dumb but also pretty funny. Like Napoleon Dynamite funny. But I fell asleep a couple of times because I was so tired.
So ya. That was my Saturday. Today was pretty good. We had a good lesson in RS and we had a cheezy noodle vegetable casserole for dinner. It was excellent. I'm thinking I'm going to have to make my hamburger rolls with cream cheese one of these days for a Sunday dinner. Nyssa has tarragon that she says she'll donate so thats awesome. I'm excited. Maybe I'll do it next week. So mother, if you're reading this expect a call sometime for the recipe.
Well this blog seems long enough. Wish me luck on my next week of school! It'll be somewhat easy this week because my flute teacher got her tonsils out last Thursday. Poor lady. So I won't have lessons or masterclass or scale class or OR flute choir. So that's cool. I'll have to practice extra well though to make up for it though.
Ok really done. Except I'm going to put up a picture of me and my sisters at temple square over the Christmas break. My sis Amber just posted them on facebook. This one is my favorite.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A quickie. Or as quick as I can make it anyway......
So I had really good intentions to write here tonight and it would be fantastic and fabulous and glorious.....but I didn't. And I have no excuse at all except that instead I went shopping and got on facebook and one of our FHE brothers came over and talked for like an hour. So basically life happened and things got procrastinated. Ahem.
But! Some responsibility did happen! Fear not! I sent in my housing contract so that I'll have a place to live next semester....that's always good, and I wrote a letter to my friend Josh who is currently serving a mission in the Dallas Texas area. Yay! And I did a little bit of homework. Probably less that I should have done though.
So it's really kind of late and I need to be up early tomorrow. But things are going just swimmingly up here in Idaho. My classes are going great, (or they are as of now....I have an ear training diction test tomorrow I hope I don't fail.....eek!) and my ensembles are going great. I still love the trombone, and in the band I'm playing flute in we're playing Orpheus and the underworld which is an amazing piece. It's part of a concert we're putting on in tribute to John Phillip Sousa. I am so excited! So, that's all for now. Friday or Saturday, or whenever I have time I'm going to take some pictures and also I'm going to do some other fun thing that I have yet to think of. But it'll be great!!!!! I'll bet you can't wait huh? :P :D :)
But! Some responsibility did happen! Fear not! I sent in my housing contract so that I'll have a place to live next semester....that's always good, and I wrote a letter to my friend Josh who is currently serving a mission in the Dallas Texas area. Yay! And I did a little bit of homework. Probably less that I should have done though.
So it's really kind of late and I need to be up early tomorrow. But things are going just swimmingly up here in Idaho. My classes are going great, (or they are as of now....I have an ear training diction test tomorrow I hope I don't fail.....eek!) and my ensembles are going great. I still love the trombone, and in the band I'm playing flute in we're playing Orpheus and the underworld which is an amazing piece. It's part of a concert we're putting on in tribute to John Phillip Sousa. I am so excited! So, that's all for now. Friday or Saturday, or whenever I have time I'm going to take some pictures and also I'm going to do some other fun thing that I have yet to think of. But it'll be great!!!!! I'll bet you can't wait huh? :P :D :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Its like two in the morning and I can't sleep. Too much drama. So I'm here. Writing. Go figure.
So today was really busy. I was in the snow building by like eleven and I had a trombone sectional at twelve. Now as you may recall, I am a flute player. I have however taken a brass methods class so I've learned the basics of trombone. So being the silly girl that I am I decided to try playing trombone in the university band. It's kicking my butt. At least our director Bro. Nielson is really understanding. He told me today I was doing a really good job for as much experience I have on the trombone and that's heartening. He's a really really good conductor, probably one of the best I've had I'm learning tons.
K I'm going to go on a music nerd rant here for a min. So if you're not a music nerd just skip this next paragraph. We're playing a symphony by Dvorak in this band and I'm having sooo much fun! There are lots of really fun trombone parts in it. It is so weird to hear the flutes and not be a part of them. But at the same time, I really love being able to blast out really LOW notes. It is a completely new and foreign experience to me so even though its really kickin my butt I'm also really enjoying it. Ok music rant over. For now. I am a music major after all.......:) :D
And the rest of my day was pretty much filled up with homework and practicing and whatnot. Nyssa made pizza tonight for dinner and it was excellent. She's a really good cook.
Oh, and this evening Morgan and the girls downstairs and I all went to see Twilight at the cheap theater. For the third time. Sigh. The first time I saw it was with my roomie Amanda and she's totally in love with it so I had to think it was pretty good; and the second time I saw it I slept through it 'cause I'd only had like three hours of sleep the previous night. But this time I watched it and I couldn't help but think.....this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever watched. Don't get me wrong I really like the books but the movie was RIDICULOUS. The acting was terrible and the dialogue was worse. It made me laugh. I'll probably still go see the second one though. 'Cause even though Edward isn't that hot in the movie.....Dr. Cullen sure is!! and Jasper would be exept he looks like he's in pain all the time. :P
K folks that's pretty much all I have to say tonight. Or uhh this morning. So I'm going to sign off. But never fear! Tomorrow is Sunday filled with lots and lots of free time!! So most likely you'll see me (or rather read about me) tomorrow! Farewell all!!!!
K I'm going to go on a music nerd rant here for a min. So if you're not a music nerd just skip this next paragraph. We're playing a symphony by Dvorak in this band and I'm having sooo much fun! There are lots of really fun trombone parts in it. It is so weird to hear the flutes and not be a part of them. But at the same time, I really love being able to blast out really LOW notes. It is a completely new and foreign experience to me so even though its really kickin my butt I'm also really enjoying it. Ok music rant over. For now. I am a music major after all.......:) :D
And the rest of my day was pretty much filled up with homework and practicing and whatnot. Nyssa made pizza tonight for dinner and it was excellent. She's a really good cook.
Oh, and this evening Morgan and the girls downstairs and I all went to see Twilight at the cheap theater. For the third time. Sigh. The first time I saw it was with my roomie Amanda and she's totally in love with it so I had to think it was pretty good; and the second time I saw it I slept through it 'cause I'd only had like three hours of sleep the previous night. But this time I watched it and I couldn't help but think.....this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever watched. Don't get me wrong I really like the books but the movie was RIDICULOUS. The acting was terrible and the dialogue was worse. It made me laugh. I'll probably still go see the second one though. 'Cause even though Edward isn't that hot in the movie.....Dr. Cullen sure is!! and Jasper would be exept he looks like he's in pain all the time. :P
K folks that's pretty much all I have to say tonight. Or uhh this morning. So I'm going to sign off. But never fear! Tomorrow is Sunday filled with lots and lots of free time!! So most likely you'll see me (or rather read about me) tomorrow! Farewell all!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Why am I a music major again? Oh, right. 'Cause I love it.
So, today was pretty much craziness. But that's what I said about my life before. New adjective. Hmm....ok.
So today was pretty much absurd, balmy, beyond all reason, bizarre, cockeyed, derisory, eccentric, fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, goofy*, half-baked*, harebrained*, idiotic, ill-conceived, impracticable, imprudent, inane, inappropriate, insane, irresponsible, loony, ludicrous, nonsensical, odd, out of all reason, outrageous, peculiar, preposterous, puerile, quixotic, ridiculous, senseless, short-sighted, silly, strange, unworkable, weird, and wild thank you!
That's definitely how it was in way too many words. :) And actually many of those words don't really fit. Oh well.
So I had class at 7:45 as usual. Woodwind methods (music major remember?) and it was good but I wish my teacher would quit telling us HOW to play the instrument (as of right now it's the oboe but it'll change into the clarinet, saxophone and bassoon in good time. ) and actually let us PLAY the silly things. That is the only way to get experience in my opinion.
After that I have social dance which is fun but all the guys are soooooooooooo awkward. Like, after you say your major and where you're from, they just don't talk to you. Well they don't talk to me anyway. Maybe I'm not cute enough.
Then there's the evilness that is ear training four. Is it enough that they make you sing stupid melodies by yourself in front of the class? No, now they're going to be A-tonal! Thank-you! (Not that I'm complaining's just a little flusterating at times. Ok, maybe I'm complaining a little.....but only a little.)
After ear training I get to have fun and go to symphony band which is the audition band I got into. I really love that class except that I play 3rd flute mostly which means I mostly just get to listen to the other flutes make beautiful music and then play about half the time. Oh well. You gotta start somewhere and since there are only a limited amount of flute positions and about a billion flute players......I'm just glad I got in. :) :) :) :) Man, I really don't mean to complain as much as I'm doing.
K, then it's devo which is awesome, then master class then home for an hour to scarf down some food and try to do some homework then I have flute choir at 5:45-8. Then I get to go home and do the rest of my homework. Yay!
But such is the life of a college student. If it wasn't worth it, I'd be doing something else. Probably working at stinking KFC so I'm glad I'm at school. I love it.
So today was pretty much absurd, balmy, beyond all reason, bizarre, cockeyed, derisory, eccentric, fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, goofy*, half-baked*, harebrained*, idiotic, ill-conceived, impracticable, imprudent, inane, inappropriate, insane, irresponsible, loony, ludicrous, nonsensical, odd, out of all reason, outrageous, peculiar, preposterous, puerile, quixotic, ridiculous, senseless, short-sighted, silly, strange, unworkable, weird, and wild thank you!
That's definitely how it was in way too many words. :) And actually many of those words don't really fit. Oh well.
So I had class at 7:45 as usual. Woodwind methods (music major remember?) and it was good but I wish my teacher would quit telling us HOW to play the instrument (as of right now it's the oboe but it'll change into the clarinet, saxophone and bassoon in good time. ) and actually let us PLAY the silly things. That is the only way to get experience in my opinion.
After that I have social dance which is fun but all the guys are soooooooooooo awkward. Like, after you say your major and where you're from, they just don't talk to you. Well they don't talk to me anyway. Maybe I'm not cute enough.
Then there's the evilness that is ear training four. Is it enough that they make you sing stupid melodies by yourself in front of the class? No, now they're going to be A-tonal! Thank-you! (Not that I'm complaining's just a little flusterating at times. Ok, maybe I'm complaining a little.....but only a little.)
After ear training I get to have fun and go to symphony band which is the audition band I got into. I really love that class except that I play 3rd flute mostly which means I mostly just get to listen to the other flutes make beautiful music and then play about half the time. Oh well. You gotta start somewhere and since there are only a limited amount of flute positions and about a billion flute players......I'm just glad I got in. :) :) :) :) Man, I really don't mean to complain as much as I'm doing.
K, then it's devo which is awesome, then master class then home for an hour to scarf down some food and try to do some homework then I have flute choir at 5:45-8. Then I get to go home and do the rest of my homework. Yay!
But such is the life of a college student. If it wasn't worth it, I'd be doing something else. Probably working at stinking KFC so I'm glad I'm at school. I love it.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
More randomness probably. But hey that's what the title of this thing is right??
So today is Sunday. Yay for the sabbath!! Ooh. That sounded kinda sacrilegious. Oh well. It wasn't meant that way. I really like Sundays, I really do. I love going to church and the spirit that's there.....(I'm a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints....MORMONS...ya that's right. Also I don't know why I explained that 'cause anyone reading this would already know that. Heh. Just bear with me ok??) But it's the after church that gets me. Since I'm up at college there isn't much for me to do except get on my computer, or read or something lazy like that. I never get anything done. Ever. Well, I read my scriptures a bit but that's all. And I guess I'm an active type of girl. So I can't really sleep unless I have done something that gets out my energy. (Hence my working out at nine thirty at night. Which I didn't actually do 'cause I couldn't find my stupid I-card. Dangit. I'll have to keep looking for that.....) So Sunday nights are kind of hard on me up here.
But this is what we did: after church me and my roomies Nyssa and Emily made taco salad...mmm I love taco salad. Its one of those kinds of meals that looks kind of gross when you put it all together, but it actually tastes really really good. Well know I like it. After that, we went over to meet our new FHE brothers. They seem pretty nice, although I'm sure I'll never remember their names. I am TERRIBLE with names. Like, I'm worse than most who say they're bad at names. I don't even remember names of kids who I've been in a billion classes with. And it's embarassing. Blurg. And I'm going to be a teacher, so I'll have to work on that. Sigh.
So that's pretty much how my Sunday's been. I pretty much came home from the boys house and started messing around on here. Hmm.... I know! I'll
put some more pictures up here! 'Cause I can! Let's see....what should I put.....Ooh!!! Ok. This is a picture of me, when I went fishing with my pops over Thanksgiving weekend. I'm not a big fan of fishing, (I mean I like it, but not a really really lot) but I like spending time with my dad, and he really really likes fishing. So I went. And we had a great time. And I totally caught more fish than him. Like, I think I caught three and he caught none. Ha ha. Also I was wearing these waders (so we could walk out into the lake) that went all the way up to my armpits, and some boots that used to belong to my grandpa. It was excellent. I think my dad has a picture of me all decked out somewhere, but that pic is a little too embarassing to be putting up her
e. Heh heh heh. Ok what else. I'm kind of having fun with this.....ok ok ok. I just found another one. This is a picture of the sock puppet show that me, and my little sister Jodie, and my two cousins Rachel and Cristina put on. Rena videotaped it 'cause she hates being in pictures, but I think she though what we were doing was really funny. And it was I guess. The puppet on the far left (which has curlers in it's hair btw) is supposed to be my sis Amber (played by Cristina 'cause Amber was lame and didn't want to do the puppet show), the next one is me I think...the blue one in the middle is Richard the pizza guy. (Who I believe is dating Amber in this story) The pink one is Jodie and the hand on the right is Rachel who is the narrator and also Hector. I know, really really random. The script came from these notes my sister and my cousins and I write every now and then. They're completely random and very funny, but you have to have read them all or else you're just like "what the heck? these girls were probably on crack when they wrote this." Which we probably were. Ha ha jk. Maybe just high on laughter or something stupid like that. Ok. So this has probably gone on for long enough......I don't have school tomorrow though so I just might make another one of these. It is supposed to be like a journal for me after all. So maybe I'll talk all about my life up here at college. Oh man, it's sure to be riviting. Ok I'm done. Bye.
But this is what we did: after church me and my roomies Nyssa and Emily made taco salad...mmm I love taco salad. Its one of those kinds of meals that looks kind of gross when you put it all together, but it actually tastes really really good. Well know I like it. After that, we went over to meet our new FHE brothers. They seem pretty nice, although I'm sure I'll never remember their names. I am TERRIBLE with names. Like, I'm worse than most who say they're bad at names. I don't even remember names of kids who I've been in a billion classes with. And it's embarassing. Blurg. And I'm going to be a teacher, so I'll have to work on that. Sigh.
So that's pretty much how my Sunday's been. I pretty much came home from the boys house and started messing around on here. Hmm.... I know! I'll
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What is this madness?
Ok. Ok ok ok ok. Here goes nothing.
Ok. Sooooooo.
This blog is being created to keep me sane. Pretty much. I've always always intended to keep a journal and I have wanted to for a really really long time but I haven't. Because I'm a lazy lazy girl with really good intentions. But, as my dad always says. Good intentions aren't worth a can of beans. (Actually maybe he doesn't but someone somewhere told me that. And it makes a lot of sense really. :) )
So here I am. I hope. I really really hope it goes somewhere.
Ok, first, an intro I guess.
I am a nineteen year old girl (who will be 20 in two months yay!!!) I'm attending college with the intention of becoming a music education major (one of the nerdiest degrees you can get but hey). My emphasis is band and my instrument is the flute. I love the flute but I'm also learning all the other instruments on account of me attempting to become a band teacher. Ya gotta know them all if you want to teach them all. My life is pretty much craziness. But I love it. I really do. I just think things over way too much. So here's a picture of me 'cause hey, this thing lets me put pictures on here, so I might as well put one on.

So that's me. The picture was taken when me and my best friend Cali were at the mall. We decided to try on prom dresses and other stuff even though we had no intentions of buying anything. I'm pretty sure they get mad at you for doing that, but we did it anyway and pretended like we were thinking about buying something even though we weren't. So maybe I'll put a picture of Cali underneath here. She's a pretty big part of my life.
So that's her. That dress was her favorite 'cause she really liked the color even though we picked one that was WAY to big for her. Unfortunately I am off attending college, and she's at home attending a local college. So that stinks. But I'm up here with a bunch of roomies I like a lot so that's good.
Mmmm...maybe I'll put a picture of my family next. Fair enough. Ok so I can't find a good picture of all my family so I'm just going to upload a bunch of different pictures of us all wearing the same sunglasses. 'Cause I like them.'cept my brother who wouldn't pose for pictures so I just had to find another picture. K done.

As you can see, I have two sisters (Amber 18 and Jodie 15) and one brother (Kyle whis is 22? Holy crap? Really? huh. I didn't think he was that old.). And two parents. You never know these days how many parents people will have, what with divorce and parents dying and things so I feel really lucky I have two. This year we also have a foreign exchange student with us. Her name is Rena (although it's pronounced Lena) She's awesome although I don't see her much 'cause I'm up at college so much trying to get an education.
What else is there?? I don't know. I'll probably think of more later and put it up here. You know, I don't care at all if no one ever reads this. It's just to keep me sane. And to record my life I guess.
So right now, as soon as the freaking pictures load, I am going to go to the gym. Even though it's like nine thirty. 'Cause I'm just cool like that. Toodles!
p.s. obviously I'm not that good at figuring this silly thing out, but I'll get better as I go along....I hope. :)
Ok. Sooooooo.
This blog is being created to keep me sane. Pretty much. I've always always intended to keep a journal and I have wanted to for a really really long time but I haven't. Because I'm a lazy lazy girl with really good intentions. But, as my dad always says. Good intentions aren't worth a can of beans. (Actually maybe he doesn't but someone somewhere told me that. And it makes a lot of sense really. :) )
So here I am. I hope. I really really hope it goes somewhere.
Ok, first, an intro I guess.
I am a nineteen year old girl (who will be 20 in two months yay!!!) I'm attending college with the intention of becoming a music education major (one of the nerdiest degrees you can get but hey). My emphasis is band and my instrument is the flute. I love the flute but I'm also learning all the other instruments on account of me attempting to become a band teacher. Ya gotta know them all if you want to teach them all. My life is pretty much craziness. But I love it. I really do. I just think things over way too much. So here's a picture of me 'cause hey, this thing lets me put pictures on here, so I might as well put one on.
So that's me. The picture was taken when me and my best friend Cali were at the mall. We decided to try on prom dresses and other stuff even though we had no intentions of buying anything. I'm pretty sure they get mad at you for doing that, but we did it anyway and pretended like we were thinking about buying something even though we weren't. So maybe I'll put a picture of Cali underneath here. She's a pretty big part of my life.
So that's her. That dress was her favorite 'cause she really liked the color even though we picked one that was WAY to big for her. Unfortunately I am off attending college, and she's at home attending a local college. So that stinks. But I'm up here with a bunch of roomies I like a lot so that's good.
Mmmm...maybe I'll put a picture of my family next. Fair enough. Ok so I can't find a good picture of all my family so I'm just going to upload a bunch of different pictures of us all wearing the same sunglasses. 'Cause I like them.'cept my brother who wouldn't pose for pictures so I just had to find another picture. K done.
As you can see, I have two sisters (Amber 18 and Jodie 15) and one brother (Kyle whis is 22? Holy crap? Really? huh. I didn't think he was that old.). And two parents. You never know these days how many parents people will have, what with divorce and parents dying and things so I feel really lucky I have two. This year we also have a foreign exchange student with us. Her name is Rena (although it's pronounced Lena) She's awesome although I don't see her much 'cause I'm up at college so much trying to get an education.
What else is there?? I don't know. I'll probably think of more later and put it up here. You know, I don't care at all if no one ever reads this. It's just to keep me sane. And to record my life I guess.
So right now, as soon as the freaking pictures load, I am going to go to the gym. Even though it's like nine thirty. 'Cause I'm just cool like that. Toodles!
p.s. obviously I'm not that good at figuring this silly thing out, but I'll get better as I go along....I hope. :)
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